Tonight on The Independents: Penn Jillette! Benghazi! NSA! Nick Gillespie!

So big he couldn't fit in the picture. |||Tonight’s live episode of Fox Business
Network’s The
, which airs at 9 pm ET and then repeats again
at midnight, should be a doozy. First up will be famed entertainer,
and all-around
awesome libertarian
Penn Jillette, who will talk about whether
the latest
New York Times reporting on Benghazi
changes the

free-speech ramifications of the case
. He’ll also riff on
retail recreational weed going legal this week, and whatever else
the hell Penn Jillette wants to talk about.

The noted illusionist. |||Next there’ll be talk about France’s
constitutional court approving President Francois Hollande’s bright
idea about taxing millionaires 75 percent, then a left-right panel
of Democratic Party strategist Julie Roginsky Mediaite
lacerator Noah
duke it out over
dueling NSA court rulings
and the cutoff of
long-term federal unemployment benefits
. Somewhere in there
will be a discussion of Russia’s
pre-Olympics suicide bomb attacks
, and then wrapping it all up
a neat bow will be none other than Nick

Sounds like fun, right? Send your Twitter reviews to @IndependentsFBN
(#independents) and the best ones will be used on air.

from Hit & Run

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