This pretty much tells you everything you need to know about money and banking

shutterstock 133618631 150x150 This pretty much tells you everything you need to know about money and banking

December 31, 2013
Sovereign Valley Farm, Chile

The other night I played my first game of Monopoly in probably 20 years.

One of my friends gave me the infamous board game for Christmas, and as I’ve had a lot of guests down here over the last few days, we all thought we’d give it a go.

Guess who won? Nope. Not me. And not any of my friends either. The bank won.

The bank actually wins every game of Monopoly.

Think about it. All of the properties are initially purchased from the bank. You mortgage them back at half the market value. Plus the bank has its own Monopoly on lending… the official rules state that only the bank can loan money to players.

Most importantly, though, the bank never goes bankrupt. Ever. If the bank runs out of that Monopoly funny money, the bank can merely create more money using anything (other paper) it sees fit.

Just like real life. And this tells you pretty much everything you need to know about money and banking.


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