L.A. Notices That Vaping Looks Like Smoking, So an E-Cigarette Ban Is Imminent

Los Angeles is poised to join Boston,
New York, and Chicago in treating vaping like smoking, meaning that
electronic cigarettes will be banned everywhere that conventional
cigarettes are. Yesterday a committee
an ordinance that would extend the city’s restrictions
on smoking to vaping, and the full city council is expected to
follow suit next week. As in
New York
, supporters of the ban, unable to cite any evidence
that vaping poses a biological threat to bystanders, focus instead
on the semiotic threat:

Lawmakers acted after Jonathan Fielding, director of the Los
Angeles County Department of Public Health, said e-cigarettes
threaten to make smoking socially acceptable after years of
advocacy to discourage the habit. Young people who get hooked on
the nicotine in e-cigarettes may then turn to tobacco use, he

“We don’t want to risk e-cigarettes undermining a half century
of successful tobacco control,” he said….

“Even if it were determined later on that the emissions from
e-cigarettes aren’t dangerous to a bystander in an outside
environment, the existence of devices like this…in public places
does threaten to renormalize the behavior of smoking,” [City
Attorney Mike Feuer] said.

Fielding and Feuer worry that vaping, the whole point of which
is to avoid the nuisance and hazards of dirty, disgusting,
dangerous cigarettes. somehow will make smoking popular again.
Although there is
no evidence
to support that rather implausible fear, there is
evidence that vaping helps many smokers give up a habit that
otherwise would impair their health and threaten their lives, as
former Surgeon General Richard Carmona
pointed out
in the Los Angeles Daily News last

Published research suggests that e-cigarettes can play a
significant role in tobacco harm reduction strategies, since they
avoid the toxic byproducts of combustion while providing smokers
with the nicotine they crave and the smoking rituals to which they
have grown accustomed. Financial analysts opine that, within a
decade, e-cigarette sales could overtake tobacco sales.

I recently joined the board of NJOY, the leading independent
e-cigarette company, because its ambitions are even higher—to make
obsolete the tobacco cigarette entirely.

A well-intentioned but scientifically unsupported effort like
the current proposal could greatly impede the effort to defeat
tobacco smoking. This regulation, if passed, would disincentivize
smokers from switching to e-cigarettes, since many initially switch
for reasons of convenience. It would also send the unintended
message to smokers that e-cigarettes are as dangerous as tobacco
smoking, with the result that many will simply continue to smoke
their current toxic products.

that “some say [e-cigarettes] help them quit
smoking” but insists “the strength of scientific evidence to get
smokers to quit is not there.” Former smokers may think they’ve
switched to vaping, in other words, but but what do they know? They
probably have not even heard of the
precautionary principle

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1pq2gNM

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