Thailand Army Declares Martial Law

Update: THAI MILITARY CHANNEL 5 SAYS MARTIAL LAW `NOT A COUP’. Ah, gotta love the New Normal: full of non-coupy martial laws.

This is how in Thailand people are told to keep calm and keep BTFD:

In other news, don’t call this man, General Prayuth Chan-ocha, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army. and Chairman of Army United Football Club, the new “president” just yet.

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With Russia amassing troops on the border with Ukraine, China doing the same with Vietnam, the already volatile situation in Libya and Syria imploding with every passing day, the only geopolitical variable that was missing was a martial law and/or sovereign coup. Moments ago Thailand just declares the former and while the latter is still absent it too is likely just a moment of time.AP reports that “Thailand’s army has declared martial law after six months of anti-government protests and political crisis, Associated Press said on Tuesday, citing an army statement issued in Bangkok.” In other words, after not sternly not taking sides in the near civil war situation in Thailand for the longest time, the army finally picked a side: its own.

More from Bloomberg:

Martial law imposed nationwide with army commander Prayuth Chan-Ocha as head of a new peacekeeping center, Nation TV reports on website, citing statement from military.


Martial law imposed after political demonstrations led to deaths and property damage: report


Prayuth to have live TV address at 6am local time

Which naturally is good for stocks: all day today equity futures were very confused about what bad news to use a springboard to new, all time highs. Now, the road ahead is clear.

Several more reports from the ground:

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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