Dan Savage Stands Up to the Speech Police, Defends His Use of ‘Tranny’

Dan SavagePopular sex columnist Dan Savage finally gave a
response to critics who had attacked him for using the word
tranny in the context of a discussion about
whether tranny was a hateful word.

During a moderated discussion at the University of Chicago’s
Institute of Politics (IOP) last month, Savage had explained why he
stopped using the word tranny, which he viewed
as offensive to some in the LGBT community. He had to actually say
the word to make his point, however, and that triggered a
transgender person in the audience—a person named Hex who
identifies as an “it.” Hex interrupted the discussion and demanded
that Savage stop saying tranny, a word that made it feel

free speech enthusiasts and civil libertarians defended Savage
He has now given a defense of his own. He began by summarizing what
from his perspective

I asked the student who objected if it was okay for me to
use the words “dyke” and “sissy.” After a moment’s thought the
student said I could use those words—permission granted—and that
struck me a funny because I am not a lesbian nor am I particularly
effeminate. (And, really, this is college now? Professors, fellows,
and guest lecturers need to clear their vocabulary with first-year
students?) By the not-your-word-to-use standard, I shouldn’t be
able to use dyke or sissy either—or breeder, for that matter, as
that’s a hate term for straight people. (Or maybe it’s an
acknowledgment of their utility? Anyway…)

This student became so incensed by our refusal to say “How
high?” when this student said “Jump!” that this student stormed out
of the seminar. In tears. As one does when one doesn’t get one’s
way. In college.

Savage saluted IOP for refusing to play speech police and censor
future speakers—something trans activists demanded after the
kerfuffle. He also demanded an apology from Hex and its friends,
who have accused Savage of hate speech against
trans people.

And as I’ve written previously:
“False accusations of engaging in hate speech are themselves a form
of hate speech—particularly in the hothouse environment of LGBT
activism.” It and its compatriot and [Queers United in
Power] owe me, Ana Marie Cox, IOP, and all the students at U of C
an apology.

At a time when more and more students are asking administrators
to protect their delicate ears from overhearing anything that
bothers them, it is more necessary than ever to push back against
the muzzlers. Bravo to Savage for doing so.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1hAHXw7

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