Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Like Conscious Uncouplings

Across the world, the number of people who say the economic situation in their country is "bad" is climbing – despite the much-vaunted recovery we all keep hearing about from politicians.



It seems though, as Grant Williams explains in great detail, that the voice of the people is on the rise. This is a problem, because whilst the anti-EU bloc failed to get enough seats to derail the bureaucracy of Brussels, they did win enough to create some serious waves and make it far harder to railroad through policy the next time the wheels on the wagon start to wobble… and wobble it is.

The other interesting thing to come out of the EU elections is the sheer level of antipathy towards being one big, happy European family that rages right across the continent.

A desire to NOT be part of the greater whole is hardly something new or unexpected in Europe — far from it. A quick look at the map below will tell you all you need to know.

The map shows all the currently active separatist movements in Europe, from the more widely known Basques and Catalans in Spain that both seek secession from Spain proper to the citizens of Venice, who want out of Italy (the word ballot actually originates from the Venetian word ballotta or “little ball”), and the Cornish Nationalist Party of Southwest England, who demand independence for Cornwall.

Shameless politicians who are willing to put aside technicalities such as the truth and a voting population that is tired of the status quo and looking for a change?

The conscious uncouplings may have only just begun.

Full Grant Williams Letter below…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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