The Dark Secrets and Ironies of Communists and Communism

The finance and economic literary worlds appear to be going through a kind of Marxist craze. Among other things, this crowd is lecturing the world on how capitalism is to blame for the world’s problems.


It’s pretty staggering when you consider that:


1)   There is literally no example in history in which Marxism or Communism successfully increased wealth or standards of wellbeing.

2)   There is literally no example in the natural world in which Marxism exists.


The biggest monsters in history were Marxists or Communists. Chairman Mao was not a champion of the people. He was a power-crazed, ignorant monster responsible for the death of 60 million people.


You could literally kill EVERY human being in the states of California and New York and STILL not measure up to Mao’s track record. Millions of people were enslaved both literally and spiritually by this man.


Then of course there is Stalin who oversaw the death of some 40 MILLION people due to his misguided and evil policies. People literally starved to death because of this monster of a human being.


Marxism and communism don’t work. They are totally contrary to human nature and basic human rights. The worst human rights offenders in history were communists. In fact, every example of Marxism in history shows that it had to be FORCED on people.


Heck, Marx himself was so unpopular during his lifetime that when he died only SEVEN people attended the funeral.


Marx, for all his rhetoric on the working class, never started a single business or created a single job in his life. He didn’t work. He just sat around and wrote books about things he never experienced in first person. Four of his seven children died as a direct result of poverty from his failure to provide for his family.


This is not conjecture; Marx knew his life choices directly contributed to his family’s suffering and the death of his children.


Guess who footed the bill for Marx’s moronic aspirations? A worker: someone who gave up his hopes of being a writer because it didn’t pay and went to work in the private sector. Marx’s writings were LITERALLY funded by the private sector.


This is the man revered by communists around the world: someone who let his family starve and die rather than get out of his seat and get a job. A man who literally lived off of others … while writing on and on about worker’s rights.

This is someone we’re supposed to admire and study? This is the man who came up with theories that would make the world a better place?


Give me a break.


Phoenix Capital Research








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