One Day Only Old People Will Remember the ’90s

Picking up on something Elizabeth Nolan Brown wrote here
this morning

Life is an escalator to nowhere, and everyone eventually plunges to an awkward death. Enjoy your weekend!To younger members of Gen X and
older millennials, [Saved by the Bell] is part of the
childhood canon. I think we all died a little inside yesterday in
the Reason D.C. office when we realized that none of our interns
and a few of our youngest staffers had no idea who Jessie Spano
was. By a quick show of birth years, we pipointed 1990 as the crack
in this generational divide. I shudder to ask them about the Soup
Nazi—though I suppose Seinfeld is a show you’re more prone
to watch in reruns as an adult than Saved by the Bell.
(Another show launched in 1989, The Simpsons, is still
airing after all these years.)

I was watching some old episodes of The Simpsons with
one of my kids the other night, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt
quite as decrepit as I did when I realized that “Marge vs. the
” is 21 years old. Put another way: The gap between now
and “Marge vs. the Monorail” is larger than the gap between “Marge
vs. the Monorail” and the fall of Saigon. I would have told my
daughter that, but then she would’ve asked “What’s a Saigon?” and I
would’ve felt even older. It was bad enough that I had to explain
who Leonard Nimoy was. He isn’t even dead yet.

from Hit & Run

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