Movie Review: Captain America: Civil War: New at Reason

Captain America: Civil War(Spoiler note: Those wishing to know nothing about a movie prior to seeing it might want to steer clear of reviews before doing so.)

Captain America: Civil War is packed with enough blockbuster super-stuff—scads of characters, oodles of travelogue mileage, and acres of eye-punishing shakey-cam action—to fuel two movies. But Civil War is of course only one movie, and so its excess of just about everything overwhelms its virtues.

As has been the case ever since the Marvel Cinematic Universe was launched eight years ago, with Iron Man, this film is another way station en route to some sort of super-duper Avengers movie of the indeterminate future. Whether that galactic wrap-up will ever actually be reached is teasingly uncertain: a pair of purportedly climactic Infinity War films are in the works, but keep in mind that the Avengers’ comic-book exploits have been going on for more than 50 years. Anyway, in this third Captain America picture, a crowd of familiar faces is once again assembled. That it’s such a large crowd is one of the movie’s problems, writes Kurt Loder.

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