Sometimes There Is No Lesser of Two Evils: New at Reason

The Republic will survive an election, David Harsanyi writes, but the Republican party is a different story:

For those who are idealists about the Constitution—and there are probably far fewer than some of us like to imagine—there are a number of reasons to sabotage The Trump Party, even if it ends with a Clinton presidency. The first is to salvage some of your own dignity and principles. But there are other long-term political advantages to beating back an authoritarian populist who peddles conspiracy theories and big-government schemes and doesn’t have a freshman-level comprehension about the basic workings of American governance.

The first political advantage is to save our divided government. On the same day Trump wins the GOP Indiana primary and secures the party’s nomination, he decides to use a National Enquirer story—the future in-flight publication of Air Force One—to accuse opponent Sen. Ted Cruz’s father of helping Lee Harvey Oswald assassinate President John F. Kennedy. This was just an amuse-bouche of the utter stupidity that down-ballot GOP candidates will have to deal with, justify, rationalize, ignore, excuse or support every day for the next six months or so. One hopes the stench of this kind of endorsement clings to them for the rest of their unprincipled and, hopefully, short political careers.

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