“Wild Scene” Outside Trump Meeting: Media, Protesters, Gawkers And Even A Bagpiper

As with any other time Trump makes a public appearance, scores of protesters, media and gawkers – including a bagpiper – gathered outside the Republican National Committee on Thursday morning hoping to catch a glimpse of Donald Trump, some protesting, some adoring, and some just curious. As the Hill puts it simply: a “wild scene.”

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee briefly waved to the crowd, giving onlookers a thumbs-up, after emerging from a caravan escorting him to meetings with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus and other party figures.

About a dozen pro-immigrant activists staked out the entrance leading into the RNC, holding signs and chanting into a megaphone condemning Trump and the Republican Party.

One protester wore a massive paper mache Trump head, while others carried signs saying that “trump is a racist.” Several were with the protest group Code Pink, which has a regular presence on Capitol Hill.

Dozens of media outlets, including top anchors from the major networks, crowded the sidewalk with cameras pointed at the closed doors of the RNC. Capitol Hill staffers lingered on their way to work, taking in the scene.

As reported earlier, Trump has a full day of meetings on Capitol Hill as he seeks inroads among the GOP leaders who have been hesitant to embrace his candidacy.

In addition to his clutch meeting with Paul Ryan who last week said he wasn’t ready to endorse Trump, Trump will also meet on the Senate side of the Capitol with GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and other Republican senators.

Meanwhile, the full press media circus is on in full force.

via http://ift.tt/1sgQE5T Tyler Durden

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