The Chinese Gold Market – An Infographic from BullionStar

This Chinese Gold Market infographic guides you through the largest physical gold trading market in the world, China.

An impressive 16,000 tonnes of gold are held within China's borders.

Did you know that Chinese wholesale demand for physical gold was an astounding 2,596 metric tonnes in 2015? This demand was met by China mining more gold than any other country in the world as well as importing more gold than any other country.

The chief architect of the Chinese gold market, the Chinese State, is continuously moving forward China's position as the dominant market player for physical gold globally.

The Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) is the world's largest physical gold trading market. It has 10 million institutional customers, 8.3 million individual customers and uses a network of 55 certified gold vaults.

In this infographic you will learn more about the following features of the Chinese Gold Market:

  • Total Chinese Gold Reserves
  • Important Chinese Gold Developments
  • Trading Volumes on the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE)
  • Trading Volumes and Trading Lots on the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE)
  • Official Chinese Gold Reserves
  • The Role of the large Chinese Banks in the Chinese Gold Market
  • Chinese Gold Mining
  • Chinese Gold Supply
  • Chinese Gold Importation

You can learn more about the Chinese Gold Market at the BullionStar Gold University and in Koos Jansen's blog at BullionStar.


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