School Orders Teen to Take Psych Evaluation After He Made an Anti Gun Control Video

TeacherA high school student who made an anti-gun-control video for class has been ordered to undergo a 5-hour psychiatric evaluation.

Frank Harvey, a senior at Manville High School in New Jersey, says he did the project for a college readiness class last year. As he told New Jersey News 12, “It was assigned by the teacher.” The teacher now says she cannot recall assigning it. The video featured news stories of people who had used guns to fend off home invasions, and some political cartoons that lampooned gun control.

When it was found on a thumb drive he left in the school library, the school summoned the police, who questioned Harvey and declined to arrest him.

But that didn’t stop the school district from ordering the psych evaluation. Hearvey is not allowed back in school until he takes it.

Harvey is not going back. As the young man told the news station, “I’ve never been a violent person. I’ve never had detention in my life.”

His mother added, “I am not taking him for a psychological evaluation because this teacher is lying and won’t own up to what she did.”

Instead, Harvey will take his GED.

Let’s hope he doesn’t have to study anything about freedom of speech. Because he’ll be sorely confused.

The district claims Harvey is mischaracterizing what happened, but declined to comment, citing privacy laws.

from Hit & Run

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