What the Left Is Doing Wrong In Fighting Global Warming: New at Reason

After three decades of trying, the environmental left is nowhere close to solving global warming. For reasonable people that would be time enough toGlobal Warming fundamentally rethink their strategy.

But not for this movement, notes Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia.

It keeps demanding ever more outrageous sacrifices on the part of its fellow humans, the latest being that they should have fewer children. But if the movement hasn’t succeeded in forcing people to give up their cars and ACs, how in the name of Gaia will it ever get them to give up kids? It’s whole approach is riddled with the collective action problem.

There are ways to overcome it and avert planetary catastrophe. But that’ll require the greens to give up the blame game and think of global warming more like a meteor strike: An event humanity didn’t cause but from which it has to be saved.

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