General Kelly Makes Surprise Appearance At Press Briefing With A Message For The “Fake Media”…

Making a surprise appearance at the daily White House press briefing today with Sarah Sanders, Chief of Staff John Kelly dismissed rumors that have flooded the media this week suggesting he’s close to quitting and/or being fired by President Trump.

“I would just offer to you that, although I read it all the time fairly consistently, I’m not quitting today.  I just talked to the president. I don’t think I’m being fired today. And I’m not so frustrated in this job that I’m thinking of leaving.”


“I would tell you this is the hardest job I’ve ever had.  This is, in my view, the most important job I’ve ever had.”

Asked what could be done to calm the frustration in the White House, Kelly offered a rather simple solution to the press:  “maybe develop some better sources.”

Of course, this all follows a mini tweet storm from President Trump earlier this week which blasted the “fake news” for making up stories concerning Kelly’s status in his role as Chief of Staff.

On more serious topics, Kelly said that Americans should be “concerned” about the situation in North Korea, which he described as a state that “simply can’t be allowed the capability to reach the homeland.”

“The American people should be concerned about a state that has developed a pretty good ICBM capability and is developing a pretty good nuclear re-entry vehicle.”


“I think I speak for the administration that that state simply can not have the ability to reach the homeland.”


“Right now, there’s great concern about a lot of Americans that live in Guam.  Right now we think the threat is manageable but over time if it grows beyond where it is today…well, lets hope diplomacy works.”

On whether or not he restricts who gets access to the Oval Office:

And more on Puerto Rico, Cuba and Isis:

via Tyler Durden

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