The Ides Of Nancy: Pelosi’s Leadership In Peril

Submitted by James Miller of The Political Insider

Beware the Ides of March, Nancy!

It looks like Rep. Pelosi is heading dangerously into Julius Caesar territory, with a mutiny growing within her caucus. Rank-and-file members are preparing to revolt against her should Democrats retake the House of Representatives this fall.

Et tu, Steny?

Mike Allen of Axios reported early this morning in his daily newsletter that up-and-coming Democrats have found a way to win: speaking out against Pelosi, and pledging to not support her as the Party’s leader.

From the write-up:

Top Democrats tell me that if they take back the House in November, a restoration of Speaker Nancy Pelosi is no longer guaranteed. In fact, some well-wired House Democrats predict she will be forced aside after the election and replaced by a younger, less divisive Dem.

The big picture: Conor Lamb, 33, won his U.S. House race in Pennsylvania this week after saying he wouldn’t vote for her for leader — a new template for moderates. Pelosi has hung in through the minority, and remains the party’s most consistent fundraiser. As for whether she’ll return as Speaker, she has just said that it’s up to the members. (Her allies note that she has never lost a leadership vote.)

There’s only one problem. As Allen points out, it’s not exactly clear who will take Pelosi’s place as head of the Democrats should she lose favor. Allen notes, “Her No. 2 and longtime rival, House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, 78, covets the job but is three months older than she is.’

Allen does hint that Rep. Joe Crowley, a 56-year-old lawmaker from Queens, could be the Pelosi heir, however. It’s all up in the air for the time being. We know that Democrats are dissatisfied with Pelosi’s leadership, and want someone fresh and bold to lead the charge against President Trump. That someone remains to be seen.

Just watch yourself the next time you walk into the House chamber, Nancy. At this point, you don’t know who is hiding a knife under their cloaks.

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