A Nobel Peace Prize for Trump? New at Reason

Eighteen Republican members of the House of Representatives have nominated Donald Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize. “Since taking office, President Trump has worked tirelessly to apply maximum pressure on North Korea to end its illicit weapons programs,” they said, thus “bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula.”

Please, writes Steve Chapman. A guy who visited his golf properties more than 90 times in his first year in office has not “worked tirelessly” at anything. And it is only a fond hope that he will achieve anything lasting or important in his meeting with Kim Jong Un.

Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize for fond hopes is something Republicans once opposed. When Barack Obama got it in 2009—to the surprise of everyone—the Nobel committee was widely criticized for getting ahead of events. Obama himself said he didn’t deserve it. Even The Washington Post editorialized that it “almost makes you feel embarrassed for the honoree.”

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