Trump And Putin Have Friday Chat – Discuss Mueller, Maduro, North Korea, & Nukes

President Trump on Friday spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time since the release of the Mueller report. 

The two spoke on the phone for more than an hour, discussing the Mueller report, Venezuela, Noth Korea and other matters, according to White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. 

On the Mueller report, Sanders said “both leaders knew there was no collusion,” adding that their discussion on the matter was brief, according to CNBC

The two world leaders have spoken via phone over six times, according to official readouts from the White House. Putin said last year that the two spoke “regularly,” according to the report. 

The discussion between the two leaders comes amid a tense political standoff in Venezuela. Opposition leader Juan Guaido has escalated his calls in recent days for a mass uprising, with the backing of the United States, against Russian-supported leader Nicolas Maduro.

The two countries have warned each other against intervention –CNBC

“This is our hemisphere,” said National Security Adviser John Bolton on Wednesday. “It’s not where the Russians ought to be interfering.” 

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov issued a warning to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that US intervention in Venezuela would violate international law and could lead to grave consequences, according to Reuters

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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