US Home Price Growth Slumps To Weakest In 7 Years

S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller’s 20-City Composite price index rose just 2.13% YoY in June – the weakest growth since August 2012.

The MoM rise of just 0.04% notably missed expectations of a 0.1% rise and the drop from 2.37% YoY was also a sizable acceleration in the decline.

Source: Bloomberg

This slide has occurred as mortgage rates have plunged…

Source: Bloomberg

But, given the lags in Case-Shiller data, there is an argument that the de-growth in prices could be about to stall (even though that’s not what we saw in early 2016).

New York City saw a decline in prices in June.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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