George Conway Helps Launch Never-Trump Super PAC To Get Rid Of ‘Cancer On The Presidency’

George Conway Helps Launch Never-Trump Super PAC To Get Rid Of ‘Cancer On The Presidency’

The husband of President Trump’s top adviser has formed a ‘never-Trump’ Super PAC aimed at defeating “President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box” in 2020.

Conservative lawyer George Conway has teamed up with the bitter all-stars of the Never Trump right to found the Lincoln Project,” has a reported $1 million in fundraising commitments.

The PAC’s principals include GOP operative Rick Wilson, former McCain adviser Steve Schmidt, former Ohio Gov. John Kasich adviser John Weaver and former New Hampshire GOP chair Jennifer Horn. Curiously absent is neocon royalty, Bill Kristol.

The group will focus on blocking Trump’s reelection, as well as his Congressional supporters in a handful of key 2020 battlegrounds, by targeting disaffected Republicans and right-leaning independents. They will focus efforts on Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, along with Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina, Maine, and possibly Kentucky and Kansas, according to the Associated Press.

The Lincoln Project is very much a work in progress, despite Tuesday’s official launch. While the core players don’t yet have titles, day-to-day operations will be led by Horn and Reed Galen, a veteran Republican operative who worked for McCain but left the GOP after Trump’s nomination in 2016.

The group begins as a super PAC, which means it can raise and spend unlimited sums of money and must disclose its donors. –AP

Conway, husband of senior White House aide Kellyanne Conway, told AP that he hopes the anonymous Trump administration official who authored a recent anti-Trump book would join the group – however the rest of the PAC’s founders ultimately decided against Conway’s suggestion.

“I think the more the merrier,” said Conway. “And I hope maybe he — he or she, I don’t know who Anonymous is — will come out someday and join the effort. Because everyone who believes as we do that Donald Trump is a cancer on the presidency and on the Constitution needs to help and join this effort.”

When asked about the PAC, Kellyanne acknowledged George’s involvement, saying “It’s kind of disappointing to see some of the people who are involved, but not surprising,” characterizing the group as a collection of failed campaign managers.

They never got a president elected into the White House. I’m sure that hurts, very much. But they never really accommodated the growing Republican Party and understood how to beat Democrats and we did.”

Conway, who left the GOP last year, said he would probably be the group’s “cheerleader” because of his limited political experience.

“I’m not a fundraiser or political consultant, but if I could help in that way and learn how to do that — even to raise a nickel or two — I’ll do it because it’s important,” he said, adding “For this, I think I can make an exception.”

He suggested the Lincoln Project would pay particular attention to Congress’ impeachment proceedings.

“If he’s not removed by the Senate, he needs to be removed at the ballot box,” he said of Trump. “The people in Congress who are enabling him, either actively or passively, they, too, are violating their oaths of office. … And they need to be removed, too.” –AP

Will Conway and the Nevertrumpers throw their support behind the Democratic nominee?

Tyler Durden

Tue, 12/17/2019 – 14:25


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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