Biden Odds Spike After Super Tuesday Upset; MSM Circles Wagons

Biden Odds Spike After Super Tuesday Upset; MSM Circles Wagons

Joe Biden emerged as the unlikely winner last night, after sprinting past an exasperated Bernie Sanders to claim victory on Super Tuesday – sending the MSM into a fever over the resurgence of the establishment darling (while unbelievably trying to frame him as anti-establishment).

Bloomberg notes that Biden’s upset victory spans multiple demographics – from blacks in the Deep South, to whites in the Rust Belt, to rich suburbanites in Virginia and North Carolina. Biden’s biggest delegate win was in Texas, which handed him a whopping 228 delegates.

While the final results aren’t quite in yet, Biden picked up 337 delegates to Sanders’ 270 – propelling the former Vice President to the front of the 2020 pack with 390 total. In order to win the nomination and avoid a brokered convention, the frontrunner will need to have a majority of pledged delegates – 1,991 in this case.


Still, Sanders won California and its 415 delegates, and enjoys support in regions which haven’t yet held their primaries such as the Pacific Northwest. Of note, Washington State’s Democratic primary will be held on March 10, where 107 pledged delegates are up for grabs, while Oregon’s is on May 19 with 74 delegates at stake.

According to PredictIt, Biden has it in the bag:

As constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley notes, the MSM used Biden’s Tuesday win as a rebuke of Sanders – while MSNBC‘s Nicolle Wallace went so far as to suggest Biden’s victory was somehow a victory over the establishment.

“But it’s a lie, I mean, it’s a lie. Listen, and I say this as a dispassionate former Republican who watched my party sort of implode around fake truths and false grievances, the establishment had nothing to do with Joe Biden’s victory. He’s flat broke, he has not a single ad on the air. He’s not advertising in any Super Tuesday states!,” Wallace said.

Former DNC chairman who gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance during the 2016 election, exclaimed on Fox News that Biden’s victory was “the most impressive 72 hours I’ve ever seen in U.S. politics,” and told another analyst to “go to hell” for suggesting that the Democratic establishment was once again working to manipulate a nominee into frontrunner status.

More from Turley:

This all seems both forced and premature. While the coverage claims an “upset” by Biden, this ignores that he was viewed previously as the leading, if not chosen, candidate. With all of the other candidates lining up for Biden with most of the power brokers in Washington, this seems less than surprising. More importantly, it was not a rout. Rather, Sanders and Biden are roughly even in delegates. Sanders prevailed in California and came close in Texas.

The point is not that Sanders’ victory is inevitable. Indeed, media and political forces seemed entirely aligned and committed to securing the nomination for Biden. Rather, the coverage by the mainstream media continues to be overtly hostile and distortive. Many of my students, who support Sanders, have complained about it and the coverage this morning only reaffirms those objections. There is a sense of relief in the media that “our children are safe tonight” in the Beltway. For those who support Sanders or oppose the establishment, it further deepens the political divide and distrust. This week saw the full weight of the establishment brought against Sanders with clear success. However, the open expressions of relief by cable hosts or analysts leaves one with the eerie feeling of celebratory toasts from the walls of Rome.”

Tyler Durden

Wed, 03/04/2020 – 10:08

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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