Netflix And Quarantine: App Downloads Spike In Coronavirus Lockdown Zones

Netflix And Quarantine: App Downloads Spike In Coronavirus Lockdown Zones

Netflix app downloads have exploded over the last week in Italy and Spain due to people currently living under quarantine due to the Wuhan coronavirus, according to The Wrap, citing data from Sensor Tower.

Photo by Marcin Balcerzak/

In Italy, Netflix app downloads on the Apple App store and Google Play were up 57% over seven days vs. the previous week. Spain logged a 34% jump – giving their self-produced content a European boost over the weekend.

These download figures represent mobile downloads only, and not Netflix viewing on devices like Apple TV and Roku. Of course, it’s understandable that with more people quarantined, more people will be looking to pass the time by watching TV shows and movies. This builds on research shared on Monday from Nielsen, which showed South Korea has seen a 21.4% spike in TV viewing compared to the same time last year. –The Wrap

The Netflix app also saw strong growth in Hong Kong and South Korea, which Credit Suisse says makes “a strong case Netflix is seeing increased demand, as first-time app downloads inflected positively starting in January and continued into March” which are ‘likely due to the pandemic, as they do not appear to be driven by content releases’ according to analyst Douglas Mitchelson.

Netflix has halted all production in the US and Canada over the outbreak, which Credit Suisse warns will likely become an issue over time. That said, the coronavirus “is likely as challenging, if not more so, for Netflix’s competitors.”

Tyler Durden

Wed, 03/18/2020 – 19:20

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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