US Retail Sales Crash By Most Ever In April, Cars & Clothing Clobbered

US Retail Sales Crash By Most Ever In April, Cars & Clothing Clobbered

Tyler Durden

Fri, 05/15/2020 – 08:36

After March’s collapse in headline retail sales, April was expected to be a bloodbath but it was much worse than expected with a 16.4% MoM collapse (the most ever), considerably worse than the 12% drop expected.

Source: Bloomberg

On a YoY basis, headline and core retail sales crashed by record amounts…

Source: Bloomberg

Under the surface, it’s a total shitshow!!! Every category down except online sales which are up 8.4%

Car Sales have crashed as online sales are surging… both by the most ever…

It would appear that the rebound in stocks did nothing to juice consumer confidence after all… just as we have already seen…

Source: Bloomberg

Maybe just another few thousand dollars a month in handouts and America will start spending frivolously again?

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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