LAPD Investigating Cali Lawyer Who Called For Cops To Be Murdered

LAPD Investigating Cali Lawyer Who Called For Cops To Be Murdered

Tyler Durden

Tue, 06/09/2020 – 12:15

Rose-emoji-loving Democratic Socialists seemingly never stop complaining about “dangerous” threatening behavior – at least, so long as the threats are directed against other leftists.

But a white defense attorney in San Gabriel is reportedly under investigation by the LAPD after he published two Instagram posts offering to defend “one or two” cop killers pro bono, claiming that it is “high time” that “somebodies granddad [put] a couple of hollow points between the eyes of these PTSD-addled rednecks.”

He added that it “wouldn’t be the first time I’ve represented terrorists”.

Here’s more at FoxLA:

A San Gabriel criminal defense attorney is under LAPD investigation after posts from his Instagram account called for police to be murdered offered free legal representation to anyone who kills a cop.

FOX 11 exclusively obtained screenshots of highly disturbing social media posts allegedly authored by attorney Mark McBride on Instagram.

Reps from the LAPD police union responded to a request for comment from FoxLA, saying they found the comments “disturbing.”

“When we first saw the comments it was disgust, it was anger,” said Sgt. Jerretta Sandoz, Vice President of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, the union that represents LAPD rank and file.

“There are so many good police officers in this country and to be painted with a broad brush and then threatened with bodily harm, just for wearing a uniform, it’s disheartening and disgusting.”

In a phone call with FOX 11, LAPD called the comments extremely disturbing and said an investigation was underway.

McBride didn’t return any of my calls, texts, or emails on Monday.

When we stopped by the Beverly Hills address his website lists as his law office, nobody there had heard of him and the owners of the property told me they do not lease out any space to anyone named Mark McBride.

The backlash to his instagram posts has clearly been severe enough to upend the life of the poster – a lawyer named Mark McBride. When a FoxLA reporter approached him at a small office he apparently uses for his work (it was listed on his bar license), a “disheveled” man who initially denied being McBride, before affirming that he had no comment, and asking the reporter to please just go away.

According to FoxLA, McBride had a moderate profile in the area, and has represented several high-profile clients.

Here’s the text from that post, courtesy of FOXLA:

“It won’t stop until black people start murdering cops, which they should do often and with great relish. These ****sucking, low IQ, can’t get into law school jarheads need an asphalt nap, during which they’re bleeding out on the street where they’re shot down. I would have no problem with them. I would absolutely 100% defend to the death of any African American who picked off a cop or two. It’s time, it’s well past time.”

In a follow-up post, McBride allegedly wrote: “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve defended “terrorists”, sign me up pro bono for somebodies granddad putting a couple of hollow points between the eyes of these PTSD addled rednecks, I’d take one or two pro bono.”

Leftists who constantly complain about abuse and threats on social media platforms were once again silent on this scandal. Project Veritas recently went undercover with an Antifa group that focused on training members for street combat, even if it means fighting police to the death. The lawyer is right that it is “time” – in fact, it’s past time: during the aftermath of Michael Brown’s killing during an altercation with an officer, a man went on a rampage in Dallas, killing nearly half a dozen cops.

A retired officer was killed during the riots in Minneapolis, and other innocents have also been killed amid the “largely peaceful” demonstrations.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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