Watch Live: Trump Holds Press Briefing As States Complain About Unemployment Extension

Watch Live: Trump Holds Press Briefing As States Complain About Unemployment Extension

Tyler Durden

Mon, 08/10/2020 – 17:25

In what will be the latest in a string of 1730ET presidential press briefings, President Trump will address reporters Monday evening on a day that was characterized by Democrats return to the negotiating table, as blue-state governors complain about not being able to afford some aspects of the Trump executive order as some states’ benefit funds teeter on the edge of insolvency.

As governors like Gavin Newsom complain about how their states “can’t afford” the 25% match stipulated in Trump’s executive order, requiring states to kick in at least some money to cover the extended enhanced benefit, Trump will likely confront many questions about the EO, and whether there will be a supplemental deal with Democrats.

Meanwhile, the bilateral relationship with China will likely loom large following the events of earlier today, as Beijing slapped sanctions on GOP lawmakers including Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton and arrested a British Citizen and media mogul.

Watch live below:

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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