Facebook Tumbles After Kim Kardashian Tweets She Is “Freezing” Her FB, Instagram Accounts, Asks 67 Million Followers To Join Her

Facebook Tumbles After Kim Kardashian Tweets She Is “Freezing” Her FB, Instagram Accounts, Asks 67 Million Followers To Join Her

Tyler Durden

Tue, 09/15/2020 – 15:11

Facebook stock suddenly tumbled just after 2:52pm following a Kim Kardashian West in which the cult icon of millions of confused, easily impressionable teenagers bashed Facebook, told her 66.7 million twitter followers that she was “freezing” her Instagram and FB account and asked them the join her.

The reason for her ire? She said that she “can’t sit by and stay silent while these platforms continue to allow the spreading of hate, propaganda and misinformation – created by groups to sow division and split America apart – only to take steps after people are killed. Misinformation shared on social media has a serious impact on our elections and undermines our democracy. “

Why Kim’s brazen backlash against the same social media that made her a star in the first place (together with that porn tape of course)? Because with her show now over, and getting a lot of blowback about trump, this is a perfect chance for Kimmy to join in on the virtue-signaling craze that’s sweeping the nation.

In any case, since Kim’s account is the 7th most followed account on Instagram with 188 million followers, and with 30 million followers on Facebook, it’s no surprise that her tweet sent Facebook stock tumbling…

… which together with the sharp drop in AAPL stock which earlier disappointed investors by not announcing a $100 billion buyback during its boring iWatch, iPod unveil, and suddenly we are looking at a market that is on the verge of going red.

Once more, just in case that is any confusion, here is a photo of this paragon of virtue signaling who is about to crash the market.

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3c34L6C Tyler Durden

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