New York Sends “Mask Squads” To Enforce Social Distancing In Two Counties

New York Sends “Mask Squads” To Enforce Social Distancing In Two Counties

Tyler Durden

Tue, 12/08/2020 – 11:09

In another page right out of the gestapo playbook, the Health Department of New York state – which is now losing thousands of people every day due to its high taxes, draconian rules and coercive regulations – has put out an urgent appeal for what the NY Post called “Mask squad” staffers to go to Rockland and Orange counties “to perform COVID-19 community outreach and enforce mask and social distancing safety protocols amid fears of a second wave of the virus.”

“The DOH is responsible for community outreach and enforcement of Executive Orders and regulations related to the use of face-coverings/masks and social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” the department said in a Monday email to employees in its office of health insurance programs.

“Staff is needed for immediate URGENT deployment to Orange and Rockland counties to assist with this critical public health and community enforcement effort,” the recruitment pitch to staffers in the agency’s office of health insurance programs obtained by the Post said.

Staffers would volunteer to work in Orange and Rockland counties in shifts that run from Saturday, Dec. 5 through Friday, Dec. 11 and consequent weeks through New Year’s Day. Workers who volunteer for the Orange-Rockland mask squad will be eligible for overtime pay.

The two counties, which both have large ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities where some have defied safety protocols, have among the highest coronavirus infection rates in the state. The Middletown area of Orange had an alarming 8.16% COVID-19 infection rate as of Saturday. The city of Newburgh in Orange had a 7.78% infection rate, while the Orange-Monroe County border towns posted a 7.8 percent positivity rate. Rockland County’s infection rate was 5.8%.

Asking volunteers to redeploy to help address the pandemic is not uncommon, said Health Department spokesman Gary Homes.

“It’s all hands on deck,” Holmes said, adding that “we’re active in all counties where are there are increasing infection rates. These aren’t the only ones.”

Holmes said DOH employees have also been redeployed to help staff drive-through testing sites and enforce COVID-19 safety protocols at the airports.

Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus welcomed state health cavalry: “We’re on it. We got it. But you can never say it enough and the repercussions of these numbers continuing to climb warrant a strong message of awareness and enforcement,” Neuhaus told The Post. He noted the state police are also involved in educating residents and enforcing the safety protocols.

“I met with the state police last week. They’re going to supermarkets, department stores. They’re saying, `hey wear a mask, here’s a free mask.” He said a second wave of the pandemic is his county is worrisome. “It’s definitely a concerning increase as we’re starting to see coming from the Thanksgiving gathering. We had a number of deaths over the weekend,” Neuahus said.

“Our hospitalizations are going up. I haven’t agreed with Governor Cuomo all this time throughout this crisis, but he’s right on the hospital capacity. “We’re not there — we’re about 40 or 50 percent being occupied. That is the number to watch. It’s how many people are filling my hospitals.”

“I’m bracing for an uptick now, so do I think it’s going to be astronomical and is it going to be crippling? I hope it’s not but we’re preparing for it. That’s why we’re on the phone with the hospitald every week.”

“It’s hard to find staff right now. That’s why we’re constantly talking.”

Meanwhile, in the latest escalation on Monday, governor Cuomo warned he will order the shutdown of indoor dining in New York City restaurants if the COVID-19 infection rate and hospitalization rates don’t stabilize, a virtual certainty… which of course is a paradox: after all, New York City has some of the highest mask compliance numbers in the nation, and yet it has soaring case numbers, prompting such obvious questions as this one from Kevin Sorbo: “If lockdowns and masks worked, we wouldn’t see the states with the strictest mandates having the highest cases”.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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