Rand Paul: No Scientific Evidence “Tyrannical” Lockdowns Work

Rand Paul: No Scientific Evidence “Tyrannical” Lockdowns Work

Tyler Durden

Tue, 12/08/2020 – 12:55

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Senator Rand Paul spoke out Monday against the policy of lockdowns and restrictions, declaring that there is no evidence they are having any impact on the spread of coronavirus, and that those who say they do are not paying attention.

“We ought to at least still use logic to try to figure out how we stop this …,” Paul said in an appearance on Fox News, adding “I don’t see any evidence that crowd control, hand washing, standing six feet apart, all of these things they tell you to do — closing down the restaurants, closing down the schools — there’s no real evidence that they are changing the trajectory of the disease.”

“If you look at the incidence of COVID, it’s going up … exponentially despite all the mandates. So those who say there is science [behind the restrictions] just aren’t paying attention to it,” Paul continued.

Paul, who last week slammed lockdown zealot Dr. Anthony Fauci for doing a complete 180 on schools being closed, urged that “keeping all our kids home isn’t changing the course of this disease.”

“They’ve studied this in four different country-wide studies. They’ve studied the incidence of the disease, they’ve studied the transference of the disease, and they’ve found that closing schools doesn’t work. Even the socialist [New York City Mayor Bill] de Blasio is now opening schools,” the Senator emphasised.

Paul has been calling for schools to be open since the Summer, consistently pointing out that there is no science behind the closures.

Paul explained that he isn’t recommending at risk people just ignore the virus, adding “But I’m also telling you that the government shouldn’t tell you you can’t go to church and the government shouldn’t tell you can’t send your kids to a religious school.”

“There’s good advice and you can take advice and you can give advice. But once you mandate it, it doesn’t become advice. It becomes a form of tyranny,” the Senator asserted.

“So I think the government should not be in the form of mandating these things, because sometimes the science isn’t clear and sometimes they change their mind on the science month to month and week to week,” Paul added.

Senator Paul has vowed to do everything in his power to resist Joe Biden’s “forever lockdowns”.

“He’s going to ruin the country. Lockdowns don’t work. And in fact, all of the evidence on mandatory masks show that they don’t work either,” the Senator urged in an interview last month.

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3gqZDv5 Tyler Durden

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