Importance of Hiding Gold Creatively and Securely If Taking Delivery

Importance of Hiding Gold Creatively and Securely If Taking Delivery

  • Why gold retains value?
  • Interesting unknown gold facts
  • “Prepare your jaws for a sizeable drop!”
  • History, finite, rare and peak gold
  • “It is beautiful to look at…”
  • ‘Heavy metal’ – Thud sound of a gold bar (kilo)
  • ‘Going for gold’ – Olympic gold medals to Chelthenham ‘Gold Cup’
  • Peak gold … “Hard work to get gold out of the ground…”
  • How much an Oscar is actually worth?
  • Importance of hiding gold creatively and securely if taking delivery
  • Owning a safe – “hidden away and bolted down”
  • Owning gold in secure storage in Zurich, Singapore and Hong Kong


It’s the day after the Oscars and we’ve got gold on our minds!

Mark O’Byrne from Goldcore Ireland popped in to chat to Dermot & Dave this morning.

Mark told us lots of interesting facts that we didn’t know and revealed how much an Oscar is actually worth…

The entire statue is actually only sprayed with gold and is therefore worth a measly €600.

Interview can be listened to on Today FM here

Gold and Silver Bullion – News and Commentary

Gold falls from 3-1/2 mth high, Trump speech on the radar (Reuters)

Gold prices eke out 3rd gain in a row (Marketwatch)

Fed may need to raise interest rates in ‘near future’: Kaplan (Reuters)

Trump seeks ‘historic’ U.S. military spending boost, domestic cuts (Reuters)

Gold fingered for distorting Brexit Britain’s trade balance (FT)

Trump and Elections Angst Combine to Boost Europe Gold ETFs (Bloomberg)

Buffett: No, we never said stocks are ‘forever’ (Marketwatch)

“Everything Will Grind to a Halt in 2017” – Stockman (YouTube)

Losses of £58 Bln since the 2008 bailout – how did RBS get here? (The Guardian)

American Eagle silver bullion coins struck at three facilities in FY 2016 (

Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

28 Feb: USD 1,251.90, GBP 1,006.90 & EUR 1,180.79 per ounce
27 Feb: USD 1,256.25, GBP 1,011.16 & EUR 1,187.41 per ounce
24 Feb: USD 1,255.35, GBP 1,000.89 & EUR 1,185.18 per ounce
23 Feb: USD 1,237.35, GBP 992.97 & EUR 1,173.13 per ounce
22 Feb: USD 1,237.50, GBP 994.21 & EUR 1,178.22 per ounce
21 Feb: USD 1,228.70, GBP 988.86 & EUR 1,166.16 per ounce
20 Feb: USD 1,235.35, GBP 991.49 & EUR 1,163.21 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

28 Feb: USD 18.28, GBP 14.70 & EUR 17.24 per ounce
27 Feb: USD 18.34, GBP 14.77 & EUR 17.33 per ounce
24 Feb: USD 18.27, GBP 14.56 & EUR 17.23 per ounce
23 Feb: USD 18.00, GBP 14.42 & EUR 17.06 per ounce
22 Feb: USD 18.00, GBP 14.47 & EUR 17.14 per ounce
21 Feb: USD 17.89, GBP 14.41 & EUR 16.97 per ounce
20 Feb: USD 17.98, GBP 14.42 & EUR 16.92 per ounce

Recent Market Updates

– Oscars Debacle – Movies More Costly As Dollar Devalued
– Gold Up 9% YTD – 4th Higher Weekly Close and Breaks Resistance At $1,250/oz
– The Oscars – Worth Their Weight in Gold?
– Gold To Benefit from Rising Inflation and Higher Than “Official” China Gold Demand
– Russia Gold Buying Is Back – Buys One Million Ounces In January
– Gold The “Ultimate Insurance Policy” as “Grave Concerns About Euro” – Greenspan
– Sharia Standard May See Gold Surge
– Gold Price To 2 Month High As Fiery Trump Declares World Order
– Gold’s Gains 15% In Inauguration Years Since 1974
– Turkey, ‘Axis of Gold’ and the End of US Dollar Hegemony
– Gold Up 5.5% YTD – Hard Brexit Cometh and Weaker Dollar Under Trump
– Bitcoin and Gold – Outlook and Safe Haven?
– Physical Gold Will ‘Trump’ Paper Gold

Interested in learning more about physical gold and silver?
Call GoldCore and speak with a Gold and Silver Specialist today!

via GoldCore

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