Moby’s “CIA Friends” Asked Him To Spread Word Of Trump-Russia Collusion On Facebook

Of the many outrageous claims made by irrelevant, D-List artists and celebrities in the wake of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, Moby’s assertion that the Trump dossier is “100% real”, and that Trump is a Manchurian candidate sent to destroy America stand out for their unmistakably Menschian absurdity.

If you missed it the first time around – or just need a reminder – here’s Moby’s original Facebook post from February 2017:

And today as Moby explains (seemingly incapable of using Capital letters)… (bolding added) after spending the weekend talking to friends who work in dc i can safely(well, ‘accurately’…) post the following things:
1-the russian dossier on trump is real. 100% real. he’s being blackmailed by the russian government, not just for being peed on by russian hookers, but for much more nefarious things.
2-the trump administration is in collusion with the russian government, and has been since day one.
3-the trump administration needs a war, most likely with iran. at present they are putting u.s warships off the coast of iran in the hope that iran will attack one of the ships and give the u.s a pretense for invasion.
4-there are right wing plans to get rid of trump. he’s a drain on their fundraising and their approval ratings, and the gop and koch brothers and other u.s right wing groups are planning to get rid of trump.
5-intelligence agencies around the world, and here in the u.s, are horrified by the incompetence of the trump administration, and are working to present information that will lead to high level firings and, ultimately, impeachment.
i’m writing these things so that when/if these things happen there will be a public record beforehand.
these are truly baffling and horrifying times, as we have an incompetent president who is essentially owned by a foreign power.

Moby’s hilarious claim that he received his top-secret intel from “friends who work in DC” (not Langley?) will surely stand out in the annals of left-wing fever dreams regarding Trump’s connections with the government of Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

Nearly a year later, Moby offered an interesting clarification about this theory during a radio interview with 91.9 WFPK.

Those friends Moby was talking about? Yeah, they worked for the CIA. And they allegedly wanted to enlist Moby’s help in spreading the word about the corrupt Trump administration because he had a larger social media following…

…And the claims contained within the dossier? Well, they’re only the tip of the iceberg.

Talking with WFPK’s Kyle Meredith, Moby cited “active and former CIA agents” who were “truly concerned” about Trump’s collusion with Russia. “They were like, ‘This is the Manchurian Candidate, like [Putin] has a Russian agent as the President of the United States,’” he said. “So they passed on some information to me and they said, like, ‘Look, you have more of a social media following than any of us do, can you please post some of these things just in a way that … sort of put it out there.”

He added, “It’s really disturbing and it’s going to get quite a lot darker. Like the depths of the Trump family in business and their involvement with organized crime, sponsored terrorism, Russian oligarchs, it’s really dark. I guess we should all, like, fasten our seat belts and hold on.”

Sponsored terrorism? Yikes…

Hopefully Moby’s psychiatrist is paying attention: It might be time to switch out his meds.


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