Alex Azar Confirmed as HHS Secretary, ‘Anti-Capitalist’ Marches Against Davos, New North Korea Sanctions: P.M. Links

  • Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) was the only Republican to vote against Alex Azar, who was confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services today.
  • Several Democratic mayors skipped a planned meeting at the White House today in response to a memo from Attorney General Jeff Sessions demanding 23 so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions provide the Department of Justice records related to information-sharing with immigration law enforcement.
  • Former USA Gymnastics doctor, Larry Nassar, was sentenced to 140 years in prison for molesting his patients by a judge who boasted she was signing his “death warrant.” The 54-year old will have to serve a 60 year federal sentence first.
  • Thousands of “anti-capitalist” demonstrators marched in Switzerland to protest the World Economic Forum and President Trump, who is attending for the first time.
  • The U.S. is imposing new sanctions against North Korea.
  • A letter has emerged from someone claiming to be one of three men who escaped Alcatraz in 1952, a case the FBI recently re-opened.
  • What might a Quentin Tarantino Star Trek trailer look like?

from Hit & Run

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