Details Emerge About Yesterday’s Bridge Collapse in Florida, Local Toy Stores Thrive as Toys ‘R’ Us Goes Bust, and CA City Agrees to Pay Couple $2.5 Million For Falsely Accusing Them of Faking a Kidnapping: P.M. Links

  • Alt-textLocal toy stores stand triumphantly atop the rotting corpse that is Toys ‘R’ Us, reports CNN.
  • Washington man who survived samurai sword attack from jealous girlfriend gives tell-all interview to the Oregonian.
  • The Miami Herald has a good write up of what might have led to yesterday’s bridge collapse at Florida International University, which Reason wrote about here.
  • City of Vallejo, California has agreed to pay $2.5 million to a couple it falsely accused of staging a kidnapping hoax.
  • Vanessa Trump is lawyering up after filing for divorce from current husband, Donald Trump Jr.
  • National Review‘s David French praises the NRA endorses Gun Violence Restraining Orders. Reason criticized these policies here and here.

from Hit & Run

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