Rudy Giuliani’s Latest Fox Debacle Shows Not Even Trump’s Closest Advisors Can Keep the President’s Stormy Daniels Story Straight: Reason Roundup

With friends like Rudy Giuliani… Newly-tapped Trump legal adviser Rudy Giuliani didn’t do the president any favors on Fox News yesterday. Talking about lawyer Michael Cohen’s $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels—one which Cohen has said he made on his own accord and Trump has said he knows nothing about—Giuliani claimed that Trump had indeed repaid the money to Cohen after all.

“The president repaid it,” Giuliani told Fox host Sean Hannity, seeming to believe that Trump paying back the money out of his own pocket made any campaign finance violation concerns moot. But this is likely wrong.

How the payment was made doesn’t affect the legality,” writes Phillip Bump at The Washington Post. “There was still almost certainly a campaign finance violation.”

Giuliani also didn’t seem to think his statements implicate Trump in a Daniels “hush money” payoff, explaining that Trump only knew “the general arrangement, that Michael would take care of things like this.” Giuliani likened the Cohen-Trump-Daniels payments to the way “I take care of things like this with my clients. I don’t burden them with every single thing that comes along,” he said.

Lastly, the former New York City mayor told Hannity that Trump fired James Comey over the former FBI director’s refusal to say the president wasn’t under investigation—which runs counter to the official reason given by the Trump administration.

“I am stunned and speechless,” Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti said on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night. “If this is accurate, the American people have been lied to and deceived for months. And justice must be served.”


“I realized I have that part of me locked up in jail.” A new clinical study of U.S. military veterans and first responders with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) found that a combination of MDMA—the active ingredient in the party drug Ecstacy—plus psychotherapy was “effective and well tolerated,” especially at higher dosing levels.

“Encouraging results from previous therapeutic trials of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) led to the new study,” notes Boing Boing‘s Xeni Jardin. While this study was a small trial (just 26 patients), it builds on previous promising studies showing therapeutic benefits for MDMA.

Conducted by scientists with the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), the research was published Tuesday in The Lancet Psychiatry and marks the end of MAPS’ Phase 2 trials on MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. A much larger Phase 3 trial—the final step before FDA approval—is slated to start soon.

One participant in the MAPS study “was a Marine Corps veteran who served two tours in Iraq,” reports

He received treatment for PTSD at the Department of Veterans Affairs but continued to have severe symptoms, including fits of “uncontrollable rage,” during which he would yell at his wife and punch holes in the wall, according to the study.

During the psychotherapy, the veteran thought of the part of himself that’s full of rage. “I realized I have that part of me locked up in jail,” he is quoted as saying in the study. “I went and opened the door and hugged him, and his evil eyes faded away.”

After his first session, his wife confirmed the veteran’s rage attacks stopped. Other symptoms improved over the following weeks, according to the study.

These results are further evidence that MDMA, used just two times at monthly intervals, can make psychotherapy much more effective and better tolerated,” [lead investigator Michael] Mithoefer said.

In 2017, the FDA designated MDMA a “breakthrough therapy” for PTSD, which could help speed up MDMA’s approval as a prescription psychiatric medication.


Marijuana testing for job applicants waning. Companies across a range of sectors and job types are “quietly taking what once would have been a radical step: They’re dropping marijuana from the drug tests” required by job applicants, AP reports. Testing for marijuana has been “a fixture at large American employers for at least 30 years,” it notes.

While testing for marijuana has been an annoyance for a lot of job seekers and outrageous on principle to some—there’s no reason why people who smoke or consume pot in their own time can’t be perfectly competent employees—the practice had become so well ingrained in the status quo that it barely yielded much protest in recent decades. The loudest complaints may have come from within big companies, where managers found too many potential employees of all sorts were shying away from applying or being excluded from jobs because of marijuana tests.

There’s evidence “the Trump administration also may be softening its resistance to legal marijuana,” AP points out. At a congressional hearing in April, Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta floated a “step back” on employer marijuana testing. With “all these Americans that are looking to work,” asked Acosta, “are we aligning our … drug testing policies with what’s right for the workforce?”


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from Hit & Run

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