Giuliani Calls On Sessions To “Step In” On Cohen Probe

Moments after White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders finished a grueling daily press briefing where he was grilled by reporters on a range of subjects – including Rudy Giuliani’s Wednesday night revelation that President Trump was aware of Michael Cohen’s $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels – the former New York Mayor unloaded on the FBI during a phone call with the Hill, which the Washington media organization promptly published.


During his conversation with the Hill’s Niall Stanage, Giuliani – echoing comments made by Trump in a similarly angst-ridden Fox & Friends interview last week – called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to intervene in the Cohen case and “put the people behind the probe under investigation.”

After first threatening to “do something” about the DOJ’s legal overreach during his Fox interview, Trump tweeted on Wednesday that “at some point I will have no choice but to use the powers granted to the Presidency to get involved!”

Now, Giuliani is stepping up the pressure on Sessions, to whom he lost out when Trump was making his cabinet selections. Of course, Trump himself has repeatedly threatened to fire his AG over Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the Mueller probe, and devoted a few minutes to bashing Sessions during his Fox interview.

“I am waiting for the Attorney General to step in, in his role as defender of justice, and put these people under investigation,” Giuliani said, reacting to an NBC News report that phones belonging to Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal attorney, had been tapped by investigators.

Giuliani argued that the wiretapping of Cohen’s phone was a blatant violation of attorney-client privilege, adding that the FBI was deliberately trampling over the Constitution. Giuliani, who said he has not yet spoken with Trump following his Wednesday night comments, said he is already anticipating the first question that Trump will ask him when they speak next.

He also reiterated that Trump was aware “in general terms” of what Giuliani was planning to say during his interview last night with Sean Hannity. Asked if Trump was content with his performance, Giuliani responded “yep.”

When he does so, Giuliani predicted, “He is going to say to me, ‘Isn’t there an attorney-client privilege?’ And I am going to tell him, ‘No, the Department of Justice seems to want to trample all over the Constitution of the United States.'”

As the Hill reminds us, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein signed off on the Cohen raid after prosecutors after approving a criminal referral to the Southern District of New York put forth by Special Counsel Bob Mueller and his team.

Giuliani also pushed back against former FBI Director James Comey’s accusation that he had compared the FBI with the Nazis by referring to the agents who executed the Cohen raid as “stormtroopers.” 

Giuliani countered that he had not made a Nazi comparison, arguing, “there are stormtroopers all over.”

But, he added, “If you don’t like it, don’t act that way.”

The comments are the latest indication that Giuliani is siding with Trump lead attorney Jay Sekulow in advocating an “aggressive” course of action in terms of dealing with the Mueller probe.

Now, we’re waiting to see if Giuliani will say anything about the chances of Trump agreeing to sit for an interview with Mueller. Earlier this week, Giuliani said an interview would likely take place, but it would probably be limited to two or three hours and the final decision likely won’t be made for a few weeks.

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