Trump Rips Mueller’s “13 Angry Democrats”, Hints At Coming Revelation About DOJ “Conflicts Of Interest”

As we anticipated late last week, President Donald Trump has seized the opportunity to gloat about a pair of legal victories last week that raised questions about the Mueller probe’s credibility in an official setting.

During hearings about a potential dismissal of the charges against Paul Manafort and Mueller’s request for a delay in his Russian troll farm case, judges articulated doubts about the special counsel’s investigation that appeared to be almost ripped from the president’s previous tweets.

In a series of early morning tweets, Trump declared that the Russian “Witch Hunt is rapidly losing credibility” after the “House Intelligence Committee found No Collusion, Coordination or anything else with Russia.”


He also lashed out at the “13 Angry Democrats” – a group that includes people involved with the Mueller probe, including Special Agent Peter Strzok, who was removed after sending anti-Trump texts to his mistress.

But most importantly, Trump also hinted that there might soon be another embarrassing revelation about conflicts of interest involving Mueller and his investigators.

As of Friday, three separate Judges have now delivered serious setbacks to the Mueller investigation. They’ve demanded – if you can believe it – facts and evidence to back up the Special Counsel’s claims in unredacted format as one Judge demands, or risk having the cases tossed out altogether.

The first major setback occurred in February, when the federal judge assigned to the criminal case against Trump’s former National Security Judge Emmet G. Sullivan asked Mueller’s team to turn over any “exculpatory evidence” to Flynn’s defense. Strangely, Flynn’s legal team never made this request. Instead, Judge Emmet G Sullivan issued the order “sua sponte” – or at his legal discretion – by invoking the Brady rule.

Despite some potentially problematic comments last week from the newest member of Trump’s legal team, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, it appears Trump is finally making some headway in his battle against Mueller.

If anything, recent leaks about questions Mueller would like to ask Trump have only suggested that Trump is biding his time before he rejects Mueller’s interview request – effectively daring the special counsel to subpoena a sitting president.

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