Trump Slams NATO: “Pay 2% Of GDP IMMEDIATELY” Or Even 4%

President Trump is, rightly, stirring the pot in Europe today, reportedly demanding that NATO leaders increase their defense spending targets from 2 to 4%, according to the Bulgarian president.

“President Trump, who spoke, raised the question not just to reach 2%, today, but set a new target – 4%,” Bulgarian president Rumen Radev told reporters, according to Reuters, citing BNR public radio.

“NATO is not a bourse a which one can buy security. But yes, on the other hand, President Trump is right, as each country should build its effective capabilities, and the unwillingness with which Bulgaria spends money on defense is obvious.”

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders confirmed that:

“During the president’s remarks today at the NATO summit, he suggested that countries not only meet their commitment of 2 per cent of their GDP on defence spending, but that they increase it to 4 per cent,” Sanders said after the closed-door meeting of NATO leaders.  

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was reluctant to endorse such a move.

“I will focus on what we have agreed and we have agreed that we committed to the pledge increasing defense spending to 2 percent,” he told reporters. “And let’s start with that. We have a way to go.”

“We do have disagreements, but most importantly, we have decisions that are pushing this alliance forward and making us stronger,” Stoltenberg said.

“At the end of the day, we all agree that North America and Europe are safer together.”

And then President Trump doubled-down on his earlier shot at Germany:

“Germany, as far as I’m concerned, is captive to Russia because it’s getting so much of its energy from Russia,” Trump told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in a fiery on-camera exchange that was among the harshest in the history of the post-World War II alliance.

“We have to talk about the billions and billions of dollars that’s being paid to the country we’re supposed to be protecting you against,” Trump said, referring to European purchases of Russian natural gas.

blasting “What good is NATO if Germany is paying Russia billions of dollars for gas and energy?”

Trump then returned to the broader NATO membership, asking “Why are their only 5 out of 29 countries that have met their commitment? The U.S. is paying for Europe’s protection, then loses billions on Trade.” 

Trump ended with ALL CAPS: “Must pay 2% of GDP IMMEDIATELY, not by 2025.

As a reminder, NATO members agreed in 2014 to spend at least 2 percent of their respective GDP on defense by 2024. The goals are also for each country’s own defense budget, not payments into the alliance.

One glance at the current spending levels and it is clear that Trump is right.

Infographic: Expenditure Of Nato Countries In 2016 | Statista

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Still, it all seems smiles in Brussels for now…

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