Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Republican Lawmakers Into Saying Some Really Stupid Things: New at Reason

Maybe Norris Sweidan, owner of Warrior One Guns & Ammo in Riverside, ought to be the one on the November ballot for a congressional seat. I don’t know Sweidan’s political views, but he showed more savvy than some current and former lawmakers who were duped by comedian and prankster Sacha Baron Cohen into appearing in a Showtime spoof promoting the arming of toddlers in a “Kinder Guardian” program.

Sweidan recently released a store video to Fox News in Los Angeles showing a bearded man in leather pants entering his store last year with a film crew. They claimed to be making a documentary about a Hungarian immigrant buying a gun. “I’m looking at the producer and I’m just like am I being fooled right here?” Sweidan told Fox. “And I just kept looking at the guy and I was like you’re Borat, as soon as I said that his eyes just looked at me like, and he did a turn right out the door.”

Cohen is best known for “Borat,” a “mockumentary” about a Kazakh journalist who travels around America to learn its customs. The butt of Borat’s jokes were ordinary people who were played for fools.

Cohen’s latest spoof is a Showtime satirical series called “Who is America?” In the first installment, Cohen pretends to be an Israeli gun-rights activist who is promoting a program that would train children to protect their fellow school children by using weapons. He managed to get two American gun-rights activists and current and former lawmakers to say some amazing things.

It’s a cringe-inducing video, writes Steven Greenhut.

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