Off-Duty Florida Cop Arrested After She ‘Beat the Shit’ Out of a Pregnant Woman

|||Angelo Cavalli/robertharding/NewscomA Florida police officer is accused of kicking a pregnant woman with such force that it forced her into labor.

The incident occurred Wednesday, when North Miami Beach Police Officer Amber Pacheco and her sister got into an argument with a couple from Liberty City. (Pacheco was off-duty at the time.) The investigation did not list the cause of the fight, but the confrontation escalated when Evoni Murray’s boyfriend kicked Pacheco’s sister in the face. As Pacheco admitted to an arresting officer, she then “beat the shit” out of Murray.

Following the kick, an arresting officer observed that Murray, who was eight months pregnant, “appeared to be in severe pain and possibly having contractions.” Murray was taken to the hospital and gave birth. The baby appears to be healthy.

Pacheco later said that she kicked someone but wasn’t sure of their identity. She was arrested and charged with battery.

Maj. Richard Rand reports that Pacheco has been suspended with pay while the department conducts an internal investigation. Having been at the department for less than a year, Pacheco is on probationary employment.

from Hit & Run

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