Watchdog Sues to Expose Secret Government Kitten Killing: New at Reason

|||Gkasabova/Dreamstime.comThe U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been slapped with a lawsuit after allegedly blocking information requested by the White Coat Waste Project, an animal rights group and taxpayer watchdog. The information involves experiments that have killed thousands of cats at the agency’s Maryland facility over the past few decades.

Back in May, White Coat Waste Project uncovered the deadly kitten experiments the USDA has been conducting for nearly half a century at a secret laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland. Documents obtained by the group show the department has been breeding around 100 kittens a year for almost 50 years just to infect them with a parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis, a disease that can lead to miscarriages and birth defects in humans and is a leading cause of death from foodborne illness, writes Carlin Becker in her latest piece at Reason.

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