Digital Purge: Facebook Unpersons Alex Jones, Farrakhan And Others With Draconian Full-Content Ban

Facebook has unilaterally banned a handful controversial figures from its platform – while lumping conservative pundit Alex Jones, who has been criticized by white nationalists for not “naming the Jew” – in with documented anti-Semite Democrat ally, Louis Farrakhan. 

On Thursday, the social media giant announced total bans on Farrakhan and Jones, along with Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer, Paul Nehlen, and Louis Farrakhan – labeling them “extremists” and “dangerous.”

What’s more, anyone who shares Infowars content on Facebook also faces a permanent ban

Watson, a former Infowars editor who recently launched his own website, Summit News, said that he was given no reason for the ban, and had not broken any rules. 

Loomer – who is also banned from Twitter, told The Wrap‘s Jon Levine that she now lives in a “digital gulag,” adding “even though I am a Zionist and have dedicated my life to combatting Jew hatred, these Nazis in Silicon Valley banned me during Yom Hashoah with vile Jew haters like Louis Farrakhan and Paul Nehlen.” 

While the left has largely celebrated the bannings, the right – and anyone who cares about free speech regardless of politics, is outraged. 

Also noteworthy is that several mainstream publications labeled Farrakhan as a “far-right” leader, despite the fact that he is a strong ally to the Democrats

What will end this war on divergent opinions? 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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