Michigan Voters Demand That Police Get Warrants for Electronic Data


Michigan voters Tuesday night had a message for police: Get a warrant. Yes, for their phones, too.

Voters overwhelmingly approved Michigan Proposal 2. The referendum, put to the ballot by lawmakers, amends the state constitution to add “electronic data and electronic communications” to the state’s search and seizure laws.

With 88 percent of the vote counted, Michigan voters approved the protections. The measure passed with 88 percent of the vote, more than 3.8 million votes of support.

The relevant part of the state’s constitution will now read:

The person, houses, papers, possessions, and electronic data and electronic communications of every person shall be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures. No warrant to search any place or to seize any person or things or to access electronic data or electronic communications shall issue without describing them, nor without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to bar from evidence in any criminal proceeding any narcotic drug, firearm, bomb, explosive or any other dangerous weapon, seized by a peace officer outside the curtilage of any dwelling house in this state.

Ballotpedia notes that the changes passed unanimously through both Michigan’s House and Senate in June before being sent to voters for approval.

It’s another nice little reminder that there were a lot of liberty-minded ballot initiatives that did very well last night that shouldn’t be ignored as so many people obsess over who will control the White House and Congress.  

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/3l21MyQ

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