WHO Wuhan COVID Origins Report Delayed As China ‘Fights Tooth & Nail Over Each Sentence’

WHO Wuhan COVID Origins Report Delayed As China ‘Fights Tooth & Nail Over Each Sentence’

The World Health Organization (WHO) is delaying its report on the origins of COVID-19 because China is ‘fighting tooth and nail over each sentence,’ according to WHO advisory committee member Jamie Metzl.

“Just received confirmation that release of the WHO-organized int’l committee/Chinese gov’t report on #COVID19 origins has again been delayed,” Metzl tweeted Friday, adding “apparently as the Chinese side fights tooth & nail over each sentence. Anyone believe this compromise report can possibly be credible?”

On Monday, former deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, David Feith, wrote in the Washington Post on Monday that WHO investigators “won’t be able to publish findings without official Chinese concurrence.

So will the final WHO report focus on the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Don’t count on it. Because the same WHO investigators who — responding to media inquiries — confirmed the existence of the sick lab workers immediately played down the importance of the information.

It was flu season!” WHO investigator Peter Daszak said on Twitter, though he provided no evidence that these lab workers had flu rather than covid.

How could such an important investigation risk its credibility by including possibly conflicted investigators? Well, the WHO investigation isn’t just a WHO investigation. It is a joint effort between the WHO, which convened some 19 international investigators, and the Chinese government, which selected 17 Chinese researchers and also had veto power over the foreign experts. The investigators won’t be able to publish findings without official Chinese concurrence.-WaPo

And as the Daily Caller reports, the delay follows the WHO’s refusal to release an interim report on COVID-19 origins amid growing concerns over the legitimacy of their investigation.

“Chinese experts received English version of the WHO report on Mar. 17. Whether the report will be released next week depends on discussions between Chinese & international experts,” a Chinese government spokesperson tweeted on March 19.

WHO team members also told the Wall Street Journal after “Chinese counterparts review it and make possible changes.”

The WHO did not respond to questions from the Daily Caller News Foundation on exactly how Chinese officials can change the report, but said through a spokesperson that “Once we have the date of the release of the report we will inform media.”

However, a group of scientists and academics, members of Congress and others have called for a separate, more independent investigation. (RELATED: Report: WHO Granted China Authority To Veto Scientists On Wuhan Mission) 

Discovering the virus’s origin is “critically important to both better addressing the current pandemic and reducing the risk of future ones,” the international group of scientists and academics wrote in an open letter on March 4. –Daily Caller

“Perhaps the WHO final report will supply evidence to justify the investigators’ apparent lack of interest in pursuing the lab-leak theory,” Feith wrote in the Post. “Does the WHO have the names of the [Wuhan Institute of Virology in China] lab researchers who fell ill? Were they interviewed? Has the WHO seen their medical records? Antibody test results? If so, will the information be included in the WHO report?”

Looks like we’ll just have and Xi what Beijing allows the WHO to conclude…

Tyler Durden
Fri, 03/26/2021 – 18:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/31plpss Tyler Durden

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