More Americans Now Fear “Illegal Immigration” Than COVID, New Poll Finds

More Americans Now Fear “Illegal Immigration” Than COVID, New Poll Finds

Authored by Ben Wilson via,

A new poll from Pew Research reveals that 48% of those polled believe illegal immigration “a very big problem,” while only 47% consider the coronavirus outbreak to their most pressing concern, which was a lower percentage of Americans than those polled last year.

“The survey finds that, for the most part, the public’s views of major problems facing the U.S. are little changed from about a year ago,” Pew Research said.

“However, the share of Americans saying the coronavirus is a very big problem has declined 11 percentage points since last June (from 58% to 47%), while the share citing illegal immigration has increased 20 points (from 28% to 48%).”

Those polled appeared to give their findings based on what political party lines.

“While views of most national problems are divided along partisan lines, including illegal immigration, increasing shares of both Republicans and Democrats rate illegal immigration as a very big problem. Nearly three-quarters of Republicans (72%) say illegal immigration is a major problem, up 29 points since last June. The share of Democrats who say this is a major problem is now 29%, compared with 15% nearly a year ago,” the poll findings said.

Interestingly, the issue of the federal deficit has changed in which political party views it as a problem.

Over this period, Republicans and Democrats have moved in opposite directions in concerns about the federal budget deficit. Currently, 71% of Republicans say the budget deficit is a very big problem; about half of Republicans (49%) said this in June 2020. By contrast, just 31% of Democrats rate the deficit as a major problem, down from 45% last year,” the report said.

Read the full poll findings from Pew Research here

Tyler Durden
Wed, 04/21/2021 – 13:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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