Biden Rails Against Texas For “Making It Easy To Vote & Hard To Cheat” According To Gov Abbott

Biden Rails Against Texas For “Making It Easy To Vote & Hard To Cheat” According To Gov Abbott

Authored by Jenny Goldsberry via,

Texas Governor Abbott responded to President Biden’s remarks about the newest election bill in Texas in a video statement Tuesday.

This isn’t the first time the two have clashed, either.

“You might remember, President Biden called me a neanderthal for opening Texas 100 percent and no masks,” Abbott said.

“It turned out he was wrong. After that opening, Texas COVID numbers improved substantially.” It was a response to the Texas governor accusing Biden of “neanderthal thinking” over his handling of the border crisis.

“Now President Biden is calling Texas names again,” Abbott said.

“This time he’s chastising us for making it easy to vote but hard to cheat. And once again, President Biden ignores the facts. The fact is that Texas is passing a law that expands, not reduces the hours of early voting.”

Meanwhile, the president’s home state Delaware “has zero hours of early voting,” Abbott said.

“The Texas law also helps to prevent mail-in ballot fraud in Texas. That is an issue that both Republicans and Democrats agree on. It will uphold the integrity of our elections and ensure that Texans who do qualify to vote by mail will have the ability to do so. President Biden and the Democrats must stop the misinformation. Texas is, very simply, making it easier to vote and harder to cheat.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 07/14/2021 – 15:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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