Was the House Lawyer Unable or Unwilling to Provide a Limiting Principle in the Tax Return Cases?

Today, Douglas Letter argued Trump v. Mazars on behalf of the House of Representatives. I have previously criticized his advocacy in cases concerning the CFPB and the Affordable Care Act. His performance today was no better. Letter was unprepared for several questions, did not seem to catch the gist of other questions, and at a few points seemed to contradict himself. The House should really, really ask Don Verrilli to argue the Obamacare case in the fall. Letter has failed to prove his mettle on far too many occasions.

But I disagree with co-blogger Jon Adler on one crticism of Letter. Jon writes:

In today’s oral argument in Trump v. Mazars, the attorney for the House of Representatives was asked (repeatedly) to identify a limit on Congress’ subpoena power, and he came up empty. He was unable to identify any information about the President that Congress could not demand.

Mike Dorf offers a similar pointed criticism of Letter:

Arguing for the House of Representatives, Doug Letter had what we might call a “Drew Days in Lopez” moment that could sink his case. Letter contends that a congressional committee has subpoena power, subject only to particularized objections, so long as its request relates to a legitimate legislative purpose–a term drawn from the case law. Asked by Chief Justice Roberts to name a single example of a subpoena that could not satisfy that standard, Letter whiffed.

Both Jon and Mike referenced the infamous exchange from United States v. Lopez. Solicitor General Drew Days did not provide a limiting principle to the scope of Congress’s commerce powers. Randy and I described the colloquy in An Introduction to Constitutional Law:

During oral arguments the Solicitor General was unable to articulate what limits existed on the scope of Congress’s powers. Justice Ginsburg asked the Solicitor General, “What are the limits, then?” and “What would be a case that would fall outside” the scope of federal powers? After an uncomfortable pause, he replied, ” — I don’t have — .” Justice Scalia then interjected, “Don’t give away anything here.” There was audible laughter in the Court. The Solicitor General was unable to identify a limiting principle for the scope of congressional powers. His inability to answer the question proved fatal to the government’s case.

You can listen to part of that exchange in our video:

Was Letter “unable” to answer the questions in Mazars? Or was he “unwilling” to provide a limiting principle? I lean towards the latter. It is very likely that his client, the House, refused to concede any additional limits on its own powers. If the Court wanted to impose such limits, so be it; but the House would not acquiesce. Here, the House may have not wanted to risk further cabining their subpoena authority for future cases that do not involve the President. After all, the House conceded that Article II and executive privilege provides some limits. But the questions from the Justices went further. Moreover, when pressed on a limiting principle, Letter had answers at the ready. The answers were largely non-responsive, but he didn’t stumble like he did at other times. I think Letter’s responses were deliberate.

Here, I see parallels to Don Verrilli’s arguments in NFIB v. Sebelius. He was widely criticized for not being able to articulate a limiting principle. But I wrote in Unprecedented that this choice was quite deliberate.

Here are some excerpts from my seven-year-old-buy-still-relevant book (Used copies are only $5!).

First, the Obama DOJ refused to articulate a limiting principle on federal power at the D.C. Circuit (pp. 151-152):

Like Silberman, Kavanaugh was also concerned about the limiting principle. “Another major concern I have . . . is in 220 years, with a whole lot of laws and a lot of crises, Congress has never once mandated a purchase.” But even when Silberman asked Brinkmann again, “Give me an example of something that would be unconstitutional,” she didn’t answer the question. Brinkmann wasn’t unprepared—she simply did not have the authority to answer that query. Brinkmann’s evasiveness was a preview of what her new boss, Solicitor General Verrilli, would do at the Supreme Court. Her circuitous answers were not sloppy—rather, they were part of a concerted effort not to identify the limiting principle. The arguments at the D.C. Circuit were a walk- through—a moot court, if you will—for the Supreme Court….

Verrilli’s strategy not to provide a limiting principle had proved successful. Silberman wrote, “We acknowledge some discomfort with the Government’s failure to advance any clear doctrinal principles limiting congressional mandates that any American purchase any product or service in interstate commerce.” But he was not discomforted enough to strike down the law. Instead, Silberman stressed that Congress should receive the benefi t of the doubt. “We are obliged— and this might well be our most important consideration—to presume that acts of Congress are constitutional.” This strategy would prove decisive to Chief Justice Roberts. Judge Kavanaugh did not join Silberman’s opinion.

And SG Verrilli planned to use the same strategy for the Supreme Court (pp. 161-162):

Verrilli’s second big decision was to depart from the limiting principle that Katyal had advanced in the lower courts—but not for the expected reasons. The attorneys in the Solicitor General’s office were “under no illusion from the outset that the Commerce Clause argument was not going to be challenging.” Internally, the government conceded that there “wasn’t anything quite like the individual mandate.” Even they knew it was unprecedented. After “careful consideration,” Verrilli thought Katyal’s argument “ultimately was not going to be helpful as a limiting principle.” The “rock- solid” limits that Katyal located in Lopez and Morrison “wouldn’t seem robust enough [as] a limiting principle under these circumstances.” More importantly, Katyal’s position could not answer the hard hypotheticals—including, of course, the broccoli horrible example. Deeming the principles in Lopez and Morrison too “capacious,” the Solicitor General’s office came to the conclusion that those cases “were not going to be enough, and they needed to give a narrower answer.”

Verrilli’s answer at the Court was painful to listen to, but he stuck to his gameplan:

Chief Justice Roberts tried to pin down the solicitor general on a limiting principle. “But what I’m concerned about is, once we accept the principle that everybody is in this market, I don’t see why Congress’s power is limited. . . . Once you’re in the interstate commerce and [Congress] can regulate it, pretty much all bets are off . . . . The question is, is there a limit to the authority that we’re advocating here under the commerce power?” The justices were growing very frustrated by Verrilli’s evasiveness, but remaining evasive was part of his plan.

Justice Alito gave the solicitor general a clear opportunity to state his limiting principle. “Could you express your limiting principle as succinctly as you possibly can? …

Verrilli’s response was winding, circuitous, and unsatisfactory to nearly everyone in the Court. It was definitely not “succinct,” but that was no accident. Alito had tossed Verrilli a softball a question that any first- year law student should have been able to knock out of the ballpark. But after realizing that the Court was not buying his leading Commerce Clause argument, Verrilli laid down a sacrifice bunt to advance his other arguments. The government’s litigation strategy was to not provide what would have been an unsatisfactory limiting principle.

Leading advocates recognized that Verrilli was on to something.

Lisa Blatt, a veteran Supreme Court litigator, remarked at the time that “it may be that there was a strategic decision not to give a crisp and clear answer.” Paul Smith, Verrilli’s former partner at Jenner Block, told me, “I don’t think anything happened accidentally in that process.” It was not in the government’s interest to state whether laws other than the mandate were constitutional. It was enough to distinguish the mandate from the broccoli horrible.

I compared the SG’s strategy to Muhamamad Ali’s rope-a-dope move:

Verrilli was prepared to rope-a-dope, like Muhammad Ali, taking punch after punch, so that he could avoid giving a limiting principle that would not limit enough. Although Verrilli swung and missed with his effort at providing a satisfactory limiting principle, he would land a knockout punch with his fallback argument that the mandate should be saved as a tax. Verrilli’s response was based on his understanding that there was no satisfying answer to Alito’s question. That was the trap—Alito posed a question that could not be answered. Any incomplete answer would give the Court a reason to strike down the law.

At the time, Verrilli was savaged in the press and by law professors–some things never change–but he stuck to his plan. And, it worked (p. 162)

After the case was decided, a government lawyer told me that this section in the joint opinion validated the decision not to continue with Katyal’s argument. It did not persuade a single conservative justice, let alone result in five votes.

Even if Letter had answered questions from the Justices, he likely would not have gained a single vote; he would have only wounded his client. So why bother giving any answer?

Let’s consider several exchanges from Mazars. First, Chief Justice Roberts asked for examples of subpoenas that would not be covered by the legislative authority.

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Mr. Letter, the –let’s talk about the standard you propose. The –the –the quotes in your -your brief is that concern is subject on which legislation could be had. Could you give me a plausible example of a subject that you think is beyond any legislation that Congress could write?

Letter discussed legislation concerning “bankruptcy proceedings.” Roberts pushed further.

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Well, that’s what I’m suggesting, that your –your —your test is really not much of a test. It’s not a limitation. And it doesn’t seem in any way to take account of the fact they were talking about a coordinate branch of government, the executive branch. Do you have any alternative to that limitless test that would take account of –of the fact that you’re dealing with a coordinate branch of government?

Letter quickly responded with a case he could not avoid, Nixon v. GSA:

Your Honor, it’s –it’s what this Court said in Nixon versus GSA and –and a number of other cases. Congress –there would be a limit if Congress is interfering with the President’s ability to carry out his Article II functions. No such claim has been made here, nor obviously can it be made given

Letter would only concede limits imposed by the Constitution itself that the Court already discussed.

Next, Justice Alito pushed Letter to explain the contours of his theory:

JUSTICE ALITO: So, I mean, I –I don’t want to cut you off, but I have very limited time. So your answer is that the protection against the use of a subpoena for harassment is simply the assessment whether the subpoena is conceivably –is relevant to some conceivable legislative purpose?

MR. LETTER: Correct. That’s what the Court has said. But also again Clinton versus Jones and Nixon versus GSA, it –

Again, Letter cited Nixon v. GSA, as well as Clinton v. Jones, a case he would repeatedly return to. Alito did not think those precedents provided “much protection.”

JUSTICE ALITO: Well, that’s not much protection. In fact, that’s no protection, isn’t it?

MR. LETTER: It is protection, Your Honor, if what –what Congress is doing is interfering with the President’s ability to do his job. These subpoenas are to private parties. The President does not need to do anything.

Alito later returned to the Chief’s hypo:

JUSTICE ALITO: But you were not able to give the Chief Justice even one example of a subpoena that would be –that would not be pertinent to some conceivable legislative purpose, were you?

MR. LETTER: As –as I said, Your Honor, the –that –that’s correct, because this Court itself has said Congress’s power is –to legislate is extremely broad, especially when you take into account appropriations.

I don’t think this statement was an unforced error. I think his client approved of him extolling the “extremely broad” power. If the Court wants to cut down the House’s power, let the Court do it; but the House should not serve up its own authority on a platter.

Alito continued that Letter’s limit would provide no protection at all.

JUSTICE ALITO: Well, so the end result is that there is no protection whatsoever in your view, and maybe this is –this is the correct answer, but, in your view, there is really no protection against the use of congressional subpoenas for the purpose of preventing the harassment of a president because the only requirement is that the subpoena be relevant to a conceivable legislative purpose, and you can’t think of a single example of a subpoena that wouldn’t meet that test?

MR. LETTER: No, Your Honor, because, remember, there may be constitutionally based privileges or things like executive privilege -you know, executive privilege –

Once again, Letter pivoted back to constitutional limit. He would not offer any voluntary, prudential limits. Alito (who was well past his three-minutes) pushed further:

JUSTICE ALITO: What are they? Would you name one?

MR. LETTER: Well, it seems to me executive privilege could enter in. State secrets privilege could enter in depending upon the specific circumstances, Your Honor.

Again, Letter stuck with constitutional limits.

Alito pressed further.

JUSTICE ALITO: Let me ask you one more thing if I –if I can and there’s time.

There’s always extra time for Justice Alito. The Chief is not fair with his distribution of time. He consistently lets Justice Alito run past his allotted times. He had nearly seven minutes in Little Sisters. But Roberts cuts off other Justices mid-sentence. I agree with Lyle Denniston: allowing the Chief to keep time “gives at least the impression that he is more than first among equals.” I have come to sour on this entire enterprise.

Alito asks:

JUSTICE ALITO: Are there any limits on the use –on using a president’s records as a case study relating to the need for legislation?…

MR. LETTER: It –it certainly could be, Your Honor. So, here –that’s a very good question. Here, remember, the Financial Services Committee is doing an extremely broad investigation of a financial services sector, and there’s massive public reporting that President –that before he became President, President Trump’s personal records and his businesses and his family have been heavily involved in those very activities. And we’re investigating numerous other banks and individuals having nothing whatsoever to do with the President.

Later, Justice Gorsuch returned to the same theme.

JUSTICE GORSUCH: Good morning, Mr. Letter. Normally, we use law enforcement investigative tools like subpoenas to investigate known crimes, not to pursue individuals’ defined crimes. That’s a principle you’re well familiar with from your time at the Department of Justice.

And I’m wondering what limiting principle you offer us here that can prevent that danger.

Gorusch then summarized three principles that Letter offered:

The first one was it has to be pertinent to a legislative purpose, but I think, as we’ve explored, that’s very, very broad and –and maybe limitless, some would suggest on the other side at least. [Second] Constitutional privileges, if you’re investigating someone in their private capacity, there are going to be few, maybe attorney-client privilege, things like that. And it can’t be burdensome, I heard, was your third, but in an age where everything is online and can be handed over on a disk or a thumb drive, that –that –that much pretty much disappears too. So what –what –what is left to protect that important value that I know you share?

Letter had given those three limiting principles. And he would not give more.

MR. LETTER: I do share that, Your Honor. And, by the way, burden here, none of the subpoena recipients have claimed burden. Your Honor, I –I answer it this way because, again, it has to be –I’m going to stick with the pertinent to legislative purpose because, for example, Congress did a massive investigation of what happened at 9/11. Obviously, a lot of that had –

JUSTICE GORSUCH: Well, let me –let me stop –let me stop you there if that’s where you’re going to go. And I thought that might be, Mr. Letter, and I apologize for interrupting.

Gorsuch recognized that Letter would not budge.

Later, Justice Kavanaugh tried his hand again:

JUSTICE KAVANAUGH: I don’t think you could answer the Chief Justice’s question about something that wasn’t. And the question then boils down to, how can we both protect the House’s interest in obtaining information it needs to legislate but also protect the presidency? How can the Court balance those interests? I guess the thing I would say is why not employ the demonstrably critical standard or something like that –this is what the other side would say –as something that’s borrowed from a different context but that might serve to balance the strong competing concerns here?

Letter would not go further.

MR. LETTER: Your Honor, that’s a very good question. I have –I have several responses.

Never, ever says “that’s a very good question.” All questions from Supreme Court justices are “very good questions.” Even if they aren’t.

But next, Letter lifted the curtain, and provided a hint of why he was being so stubborn. He mentioned a recent chat with “congressional leaders”–that is, his bosses. And they told him how to litigate the case.

The first one goes to the last thing you said about why not employ a demonstrably critical test. I –I don’t know how the Court would –the courts would do that without violating the separation of powers. I was reminded recently by –by the congressional leaders that often, they’re doing investigations, they don’t know where the legislation might go at that point. So I don’t know how you would force Congress to do –to show some sort of demonstrably critical reason

Next, Kavanaugh asked a question about medical records:

JUSTICE KAVANAUGH: Can I interrupt right there? What about medical records?

Letter was obviously ready for that question, and quickly turned to the 25th Amendment. I hadn’t considered that answer, but it is decent:

MR. LETTER: Your Honor, medical records of the President would, I think, almost always be not pertinent to valid legislative purpose. On the other hand, if you look at –

JUSTICE KAVANAUGH: Why not? Can you just –

MR. LETTER: –the Twenty-Fifth amendment, they would –they certainly would be pertinent.

Letter tried to shake off the outlandish hypos:

MR. LETTER: So I’m sure we can come up with some odd hypotheticals where presidential health would clearly be relevant, maybe changing the –the statutes that involve the succession of when a president becomes incapacitated, something like that, I –I suppose. But, in general, Congress –there would be no valid reason for Congress to be asking for the President’s personal medical records that I can think of.

Later, during Letter’s second round of questioning, Kavanaugh returned to the limiting principle:

JUSTICE KAVANAUGH: Yes. Thank you, Chief Justice. And, Mr. Letter, I want to follow up on Justice Alito’s question. And this really goes to the fact, I think, that there is concern about what the limiting principle is here, I think, pertinent to a legislative purpose is almost no limiting principle at all, at least I think that’s what some of the questions have explored, and his hypothetical about a committee would start subpoenaing members of Congress of the other House or of the other party, and you said, well, that hasn’t happened. But isn’t the whole point that once you start down this road and this Court articulates too low a standard, that something like that will start happening? That’s the concern that I heard identified or that I took away from that hypothetical. So I want to give you a chance to respond to that hypothetical of why it wouldn’t spiral….

Did letter give anything new? No. He returned to Clinton v. Jones.

MR. LETTER: I –I think that’s right. But, again, this –I –I come back to Clinton versus Jones. You –you –this Court issued a very clear decision saying we’re going to allow this one, but obviously the courts are going to monitor this. So if, contrary to what has happened in the past over our –our lengthy history, if there are situations when there –the President’s ability to do his job is being undermined, thank goodness the courts still exist and they are there to take care of it.

During his rebuttal, Patrick Strawbridge slammed this point home:

MR. STRAWBRIDGE: Thank you, Mr. Chief Justice.

You know, my friend from the other side struggled with every hypothetical that he was given about his ability to set some sort of limiting principle or some category of information or documents about the President

that would not be obtainable under his theory. And I think that’s very telling because there are no limits to their theories.

And, in particular, let’s just consider the example that was given regarding medical records. There is no reason under his theory why the President and his family and his grandchildren could not be declared useful case studies and, therefore, Congress could send out a subpoena for their medical records.

For that matter, the President eats and drinks like everybody else and Congress naturally has the ability to regulate food safety.

But that does not mean that Congress can subpoena medical records or even the President’s DNA. My friend refused to even rule out that hypothetical categorically below, and I think it’s telling that –that he can’t provide any meaningful limit today.

Letter held the line. I don’t think he lost any votes. He did what he planned to do. The House should still ask Verrilli to argue the Obamacare case. In that case, votes are actually in play.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/2xVHpQD

“Valid Legislative Purpose”

At today’s oral arguments, as Jonathan notes, some Justices were looking earnestly for a limiting principle for the topics of legislative subpoenas. I’m not sure one is needed.

As Akhil Amar has pointed out, either House can propose constitutional amendments. Since 1808, amendments can address any topic under the sun. So the House might take an interest in constraining the President, or expanding his powers, or granting itself plenary power, or reallocating Senators (among consenting states), or establishing a church, or reopening final bankruptcy judgments, or regulating the private lives of celebrities, or whatever.

Right now, Congress’s Article I powers are limited. The failure to respect those limits doomed the SG’s argument in Lopez. But Congress has the ‘horizontal’ necessary and proper power, to make laws for carrying into execution the President’s powers—and it has powers under Article V too. So it’s hard to find a topic categorically beyond any joint resolution the House might adopt, or beyond its potential need for relevant information.

Of course, there might be limits other than topical limits. Maybe needing the information for something isn’t enough. Maybe exploratory interest doesn’t count, without specific plans or proposals under review. Maybe there are limits of good faith, or of executive privilege, or on judicial enforcement, or on the House’s power to investigate in general, or on its capacity to appear in an Article III court, or …. But legislative topic seems the wrong place to look, for the parties and the Justices both.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/35VQuFN

China: Coexistence Or Cold War II?

China: Coexistence Or Cold War II?

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via Buchanan.org,

Under fire for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump, his campaign and his party are moving to lay blame for the 80,000 U.S. dead at the feet of the Communist Party of China and, by extension, its longtime General Secretary, President Xi Jinping.

“There is a significant amount of evidence” that the virus originated in a Wuhan lab, said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last week.

Trump himself seemed to subscribe to the charge:

“This is worse than Pearl Harbor. This is worse than the World Trade Center. There’s never been an attack like this… It could have been stopped in China. It should have been stopped right at the source.”

There is talk on Capitol Hill of suspending sovereign immunity so China may be sued for the damages done by the virus that produced a U.S. shutdown and a second Great Depression where unemployment is projected to reach near the 25% of 1933.

The Trump campaign has begun to target the Democratic nominee as “Beijing Biden” for his past collusion with China and his attack on Trump for “hysterical xenophobia” when Trump ended flights from China.

What is the historical truth?

On China, Trump is the first realist we have had in the Oval Office in decades. But both parties colluded in the buildup of China as she vaulted over Italy, France, Britain, Germany and Japan to become the world’s second power in the 21st century.

Both parties also dismissed Chinese trade surpluses with the U.S., which began at a few billion dollars a year in the early 1990s and have grown to almost $500 billion a year. Neither party took notice until lately of our growing dependency on Beijing for products critical to our defense and for drugs and medicines crucial to the health and survival of Americans.

The mighty malevolent China we face today was made in the USA.

But what do we do now? Can we coexist with this rising and expansionist power? Or must we conduct a new decades-long Cold War like the one we waged to defeat the Soviet Empire and Soviet Union?

The U.S. prevailed in that Cold War because of advantages we do not possess with the China of 2020.

From 1949-1989, a NATO alliance backed by 300,000 U.S. troops in Europe “contained” the Soviet Union. No Soviet ruler attempted to cross the dividing line laid down at Yalta in 1945. Nor did we cross it.

East of the Elbe, the Soviet bloc visibly failed to offer the freedoms and prosperity the U.S., Western Europe and Japan had on offer after World War II. America won the battle for hearts and minds.

Moreover, ethnic nationalism, the idea that separate and unique peoples have a right to determine their own political and cultural identity and destiny, never died in the captive nations of Europe and the USSR.

China today does not suffer from these deficiencies to the same degree. Unlike the USSR, China has four times our population. Where the USSR could not compete economically and technologically, China is a capable and dynamic rival of the U.S.

Moreover, if we begin a Cold War II with China, we would not be starting with the advantages Truman’s America, undamaged at home in World War II, had over Stalin’s pillaged and plundered land in 1945.

Where ethnic nationalism tore the USSR apart into 15 nations, today’s China is more of an ethno-nationalist state with Han Chinese constituting 1 billion of China’s 1.4 billion people.

There are millions of Tibetans, Uighurs, Kazakhs in southwest and west China, and tens of millions of Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Falun Gong and other religious minorities. But China is unlike the multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural, multilingual Moscow-centered and Russian-controlled Soviet Empire and USSR that shattered after 1989.

China’s weaknesses?

She is feared and distrusted by her neighbors. She sits on India’s lands from the war of the early 1960s. She claims the whole South China Sea, whose waters and resources are also claimed by Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and Taiwan.

The peoples of Hong Kong and Taiwan fear that Beijing intends to overrun and rule them.

Even Vladimir Putin has reason to be suspicious as Beijing looks at the barren but resource-rich lands of Siberia and the Russian Far East, some of which once belonged to China.

China is thus a greater rival than the USSR of Stalin and Khrushchev and Brezhnev, but the U.S. is not today the nation of Ronald Reagan, with its surging economy and ideological conviction we would one day see the ideology of Marx and Lenin buried.

Three decades of post-Cold War foolish and failed democracy-crusading have left this generation not with the conviction and certitude of Cold War America, but with ashes in their mouths and no stomach to spend blood and treasure converting China to our way of life.

Tyler Durden

Tue, 05/12/2020 – 19:25

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2zub1Fg Tyler Durden

Seattle Cop Prepares To Be Fired After Refusing To Remove Viral Video Reminding Officers Not To Obey ‘Tyrannical Orders’

Seattle Cop Prepares To Be Fired After Refusing To Remove Viral Video Reminding Officers Not To Obey ‘Tyrannical Orders’

A Port of Seattle Police Officer has been placed on administrative leave after refusing to delete a viral video reminding police officers that they don’t have unlimited powers.

“I have seen officers around the country enforcing tyrannical orders; I was hoping it was a minority of officers, anymore, I am not so sure,” said Officer Greg Anderson, a Special Forces veteran.

Anderson took to Instagram on Tuesday to explain that he will likely be fired for refusing to remove the video, as it is considered insubordination.

A GoFundMe has been established for Anderson which has already raised over $250,000 as of this writing, exceeding its original goal of $50,000.

As KTTH‘s Todd Herman writes: “As this officer fights for his career, Gov. Jay Inlslee is releasing violent felons who have gone on to commit new crimes.”


Tyler Durden

Tue, 05/12/2020 – 19:05

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3fIuTVQ Tyler Durden

YouTube CEO Admits Users Don’t Like Boosting Of “Authoritative” Mainstream Channels, But They Do It Anyway

YouTube CEO Admits Users Don’t Like Boosting Of “Authoritative” Mainstream Channels, But They Do It Anyway

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki admits that the company knows its users don’t like the video giant rigging its own algorithm to boost “authoritative” mainstream sources, but that they do it anyway.

For several years now, the company has artificially gamed its own search engine to ensure that independent content creators are buried underneath a wall of mainstream media content.

This rigging is so severe that the company basically broke its own search engine, with some videos posted by independent creators almost impossible to find even if the user searches for the exact title.

The change was made to help struggling mainstream networks who were losing the eyeball war to independent content creators despite their massive financial backing.

In an interview with the New York Times’ “Rabbit Hole” podcast, Wojcicki said the decision to push “authoritative” search results was made after the Nice massacre, but that even after the change, these results were performing poorly in terms of engagement.

“The users don’t wanna actually see it,” YouTube engineers told Wojcicki at the time.

But Wojcicki refused to listen and told them, “It doesn’t matter. We have a responsibility. Something happened in the world and it’s important for our users to know.”

“In the years since Wojcicki made this decision, YouTube has rigged the site heavily in favor of authoritative sources to the point that they’re now 10x more likely to top search results for some news events while YouTubers won’t even get recommended for breaking news,” reports Reclaim the Net.

As we previously highlighted, the company’s disdain for its own user base was also underscored by its Chief Product Officer Neil Mohan insulting non-mainstream YouTube creators as basement-dwelling idiots.

This followed a new policy by the company to remove any content that challenged the World Health Organization’s official coronavirus guidelines, despite the fact that those guidelines have changed numerous times.

Perhaps the reason why YouTube’s users don’t like the company boosting mainstream media channels is because the media is widely distrusted and loathed.

The same thing could eventually happen to YouTube if it continues to stab the independent creators who helped build it in the back.

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden

Tue, 05/12/2020 – 18:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2yU3DDd Tyler Durden

“Valid Legislative Purpose”

At today’s oral arguments, as Jonathan notes, some Justices were looking earnestly for a limiting principle for the topics of legislative subpoenas. I’m not sure one is needed.

As Akhil Amar has pointed out, either House can propose constitutional amendments. Since 1808, amendments can address any topic under the sun. So the House might take an interest in constraining the President, or expanding his powers, or granting itself plenary power, or reallocating Senators (among consenting states), or establishing a church, or reopening final bankruptcy judgments, or regulating the private lives of celebrities, or whatever.

Right now, Congress’s Article I powers are limited. The failure to respect those limits doomed the SG’s argument in Lopez. But Congress has the ‘horizontal’ necessary and proper power, to make laws for carrying into execution the President’s powers—and it has powers under Article V too. So it’s hard to find a topic categorically beyond any joint resolution the House might adopt, or beyond its potential need for relevant information.

Of course, there might be limits other than topical limits. Maybe needing the information for something isn’t enough. Maybe exploratory interest doesn’t count, without specific plans or proposals under review. Maybe there are limits of good faith, or of executive privilege, or on judicial enforcement, or on the House’s power to investigate in general, or on its capacity to appear in an Article III court, or …. But legislative topic seems the wrong place to look, for the parties and the Justices both.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/35VQuFN

Body Camera Footage Refutes LAPD Cop’s Story About Being Attacked Before Brutalizing a Suspect

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) released body camera footage from Frank A. Hernandez, the officer who brutalized a trespassing suspect while his hands were behind his back.

Last week, Reason reported on the bystander footage and the LAPD’s statement on the use-of-force incident. Hernandez and an unnamed officer responded to a trespassing call on April 27 in the Hollenbeck area. While the suspect’s hands were behind his back, Hernandez punched him repeatedly. The suspect sustained “abrasions to his head and face” and Hernandez injured his hand.

Hernandez’s lawyer told the Los Angeles Times that the suspect punched Hernandez in the chest during the confrontation. Body camera footage, which was released by the department on Tuesday, shows a different story.

The footage begins with audio of the 911 call reporting the man for camping on the property near a church. According to the LAPD’s notes, the confrontation began after Hernandez and the other officer argued with the man about remaining in the area. Hernandez’s body camera was not immediately activated, so the audio from early on in the encounter is missing. The rest of the incident is only captured via audio after Hernandez’s camera was knocked off.

According to Hernandez’s camera, the man walks away from both his tent and Hernandez while taking his bicycle with him. He stops on the sidewalk in front of the church and it becomes clear that he and Hernandez are exchanging words. When the audio activates, the men curse at each other as Hernandez tells him to turn around. The profane argument continues as Hernandez tells the man to put his hands behind his back and spread his feet.

Hernandez says, “Don’t fight, man,” while the man insists that he’s not fighting. A couple of moments later, Hernandez shouts, “Fuck you, man,” and begins to use force (captured by an onlooker here).

Hernandez continues to shout, “Fuck you,” during the assault. At one point, Hernandez tells the other officer to use her taser.

Body camera footage from the unnamed second officer shows the incident from another angle with uninterrupted audio and video. Prior to Hernandez’s assault, the second officer remarks, “They talk big shit until they get in the handcuffs.”

Though the man initially reacts negatively to the officers placing their hands on him, he is seen complying with Hernandez’s commands to turn around and spread his feet. During the assault, the man does not attempt to fight back. Instead, he covers his head with his hands.

A third voice is heard telling the second officer that she needs to calm Hernandez down. The second officer calls his name a couple of times before telling the man to put his hands behind his back.

Other officers eventually arrive on the scene. When bystanders try to advocate for the man, Hernandez tells them to “get inside” and claims that he was attacked.

The videos are available here.

Prior to the release of the footage, the Los Angeles Times reported that Hernandez had been involved in three shootings while on the job.

In one of the shootings, Hernandez shot an innocent bystander in the leg, possibly out of confusion during a chase. The LAPD brought charges against the bystander, which were eventually dropped. The bystander then accused the LAPD of fabricating the charges to cover for Hernandez, who was cleared in the shooting.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/3fKSRQ3

State AG May Sue Governor in Federal Court over Constitutionality of Travel Restrictions

W.O. v. Beshear, decided Friday by Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove (E.D. Ky.), held that the Kentucky Attorney General has standing to challenge, on behalf of Kentucky citizens, Kentucky Governor Andrew Beshear’s revised travel restrictions.

Federal courts rarely encounter lawsuits brought by one state official against another. See Virginia Office for Prot. & Advocacy v. Stewart, 563 U.S. 247, 260 (2011) (hereinafter “VOPA”). In fact the Supreme Court, in VOPA, recently acknowledged the novelty when faced with such a suit. In that case, an independent state agency brought suit against certain state officials in their official capacities for alleged violations of federal law in the administration of state-run mental hospitals. And, there, the VOPA court considered a question which, on review, bears directly on the present standing analysis: whether the state agency could invoke the Ex parte Young exception to sovereign immunity in order to bring suit against the fellow state officials. The VOPA court concluded the state agency could invoke the exception, but that it needed two things to do so: “a federal right that it possesses against its parent State; and … authority to sue other state officials to enforce that right, free from any internal veto wielded by the state government.”

In this case, the issue of sovereign immunity has not been raised. But, at a fundamental level, the question before this Court is remarkably similar to the question before the court in VOPA: when can one state actor bring suit in federal court against a fellow state official in order to protect the interests of the state? So, by logical extension, the requirements set forth in VOPA related to sovereign immunity bear upon the closely related issue of standing.

The first VOPA requirement, that the state actor possess “a federal right … against its parent State,” speaks to the need for the party bringing suit to have a legitimate basis for entry into federal court. And, at a more basic level, it is also an important acknowledgement that a state actor may have standing to bring suit seeking prospective relief against a fellow state actor in order to vindicate the federal right.

The second requirement, that the state actor have the “authority to sue other state officials to enforce that right,” speaks to the need to look to state law to determine who is allowed to bring suit on behalf of the state….

The “possession of a federal right against the parent State” requirement is easily met. The Attorney General, in challenging the various travel orders, argues that Governor Beshear has “overstepped the Constitution” and violated the “fundamental right of every Kentucky citizen to interstate travel.” This federal right, also described as “the ‘constitutional right to travel from one State to another[,]’ is firmly embedded in our jurisprudence.” And, like the rights at issue in the VOPA action, the federal right the Attorney General now seeks to vindicate ultimately exists to protect and advance the interests of individual citizens.

The second requirement, that the Attorney General have the authority to sue other state officials to enforce the federal right, requires a slightly more involved analysis. On this issue, the Court must look to Kentucky law…. “To vindicate [its] interest[s] … a State must be able to designate agents to represent it in federal court.” …. Here, after looking to Kentucky law, it is clear that the Attorney General also meets this requirement.

In fact, the Kentucky Supreme Court recently addressed this exact question. In Commonwealth ex rel. Beshear v. Bevin, the Kentucky Attorney General sought to enjoin certain of the Governor’s actions as unconstitutional. 498 S.W.3d 355 (Ky. 2016). After review of the applicable state statutory and constitutional provisions, as well as the common law powers of the Attorney General, the court held unequivocally that the Attorney General had “the power to initiate a suit questioning the constitutionality or legality of an executive action.” The court explained further that the Attorney General as “chief law officer of the Commonwealth … is uniquely suited to challenge the legality and constitutionality of an executive … action as a check on an allegedly unauthorized exercise of power.” Kentucky law could not be clearer on the issue of which state officer has the power to sue on behalf of the state in the present circumstances: it is the Attorney General. From a standing perspective, the rare procedural posture before the Court is appropriate—the Attorney General may proceed with his suit.

The decision doesn’t decide whether the currently effective travel restrictions indeed violate the Constitution—only that the state Attorney General may indeed bring the challenge.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/2SWD5b1

Body Camera Footage Refutes LAPD Cop’s Story About Being Attacked Before Brutalizing a Suspect

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) released body camera footage from Frank A. Hernandez, the officer who brutalized a trespassing suspect while his hands were behind his back.

Last week, Reason reported on the bystander footage and the LAPD’s statement on the use-of-force incident. Hernandez and an unnamed officer responded to a trespassing call on April 27 in the Hollenbeck area. While the suspect’s hands were behind his back, Hernandez punched him repeatedly. The suspect sustained “abrasions to his head and face” and Hernandez injured his hand.

Hernandez’s lawyer told the Los Angeles Times that the suspect punched Hernandez in the chest during the confrontation. Body camera footage, which was released by the department on Tuesday, shows a different story.

The footage begins with audio of the 911 call reporting the man for camping on the property near a church. According to the LAPD’s notes, the confrontation began after Hernandez and the other officer argued with the man about remaining in the area. Hernandez’s body camera was not immediately activated, so the audio from early on in the encounter is missing. The rest of the incident is only captured via audio after Hernandez’s camera was knocked off.

According to Hernandez’s camera, the man walks away from both his tent and Hernandez while taking his bicycle with him. He stops on the sidewalk in front of the church and it becomes clear that he and Hernandez are exchanging words. When the audio activates, the men curse at each other as Hernandez tells him to turn around. The profane argument continues as Hernandez tells the man to put his hands behind his back and spread his feet.

Hernandez says, “Don’t fight, man,” while the man insists that he’s not fighting. A couple of moments later, Hernandez shouts, “Fuck you, man,” and begins to use force (captured by an onlooker here).

Hernandez continues to shout, “Fuck you,” during the assault. At one point, Hernandez tells the other officer to use her taser.

Body camera footage from the unnamed second officer shows the incident from another angle with uninterrupted audio and video. Prior to Hernandez’s assault, the second officer remarks, “They talk big shit until they get in the handcuffs.”

Though the man initially reacts negatively to the officers placing their hands on him, he is seen complying with Hernandez’s commands to turn around and spread his feet. During the assault, the man does not attempt to fight back. Instead, he covers his head with his hands.

A third voice is heard telling the second officer that she needs to calm Hernandez down. The second officer calls his name a couple of times before telling the man to put his hands behind his back.

Other officers eventually arrive on the scene. When bystanders try to advocate for the man, Hernandez tells them to “get inside” and claims that he was attacked.

The videos are available here.

Prior to the release of the footage, the Los Angeles Times reported that Hernandez had been involved in three shootings while on the job.

In one of the shootings, Hernandez shot an innocent bystander in the leg, possibly out of confusion during a chase. The LAPD brought charges against the bystander, which were eventually dropped. The bystander then accused the LAPD of fabricating the charges to cover for Hernandez, who was cleared in the shooting.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/3fKSRQ3

State AG May Sue Governor in Federal Court over Constitutionality of Travel Restrictions

W.O. v. Beshear, decided Friday by Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove (E.D. Ky.), held that the Kentucky Attorney General has standing to challenge, on behalf of Kentucky citizens, Kentucky Governor Andrew Beshear’s revised travel restrictions.

Federal courts rarely encounter lawsuits brought by one state official against another. See Virginia Office for Prot. & Advocacy v. Stewart, 563 U.S. 247, 260 (2011) (hereinafter “VOPA”). In fact the Supreme Court, in VOPA, recently acknowledged the novelty when faced with such a suit. In that case, an independent state agency brought suit against certain state officials in their official capacities for alleged violations of federal law in the administration of state-run mental hospitals. And, there, the VOPA court considered a question which, on review, bears directly on the present standing analysis: whether the state agency could invoke the Ex parte Young exception to sovereign immunity in order to bring suit against the fellow state officials. The VOPA court concluded the state agency could invoke the exception, but that it needed two things to do so: “a federal right that it possesses against its parent State; and … authority to sue other state officials to enforce that right, free from any internal veto wielded by the state government.”

In this case, the issue of sovereign immunity has not been raised. But, at a fundamental level, the question before this Court is remarkably similar to the question before the court in VOPA: when can one state actor bring suit in federal court against a fellow state official in order to protect the interests of the state? So, by logical extension, the requirements set forth in VOPA related to sovereign immunity bear upon the closely related issue of standing.

The first VOPA requirement, that the state actor possess “a federal right … against its parent State,” speaks to the need for the party bringing suit to have a legitimate basis for entry into federal court. And, at a more basic level, it is also an important acknowledgement that a state actor may have standing to bring suit seeking prospective relief against a fellow state actor in order to vindicate the federal right.

The second requirement, that the state actor have the “authority to sue other state officials to enforce that right,” speaks to the need to look to state law to determine who is allowed to bring suit on behalf of the state….

The “possession of a federal right against the parent State” requirement is easily met. The Attorney General, in challenging the various travel orders, argues that Governor Beshear has “overstepped the Constitution” and violated the “fundamental right of every Kentucky citizen to interstate travel.” This federal right, also described as “the ‘constitutional right to travel from one State to another[,]’ is firmly embedded in our jurisprudence.” And, like the rights at issue in the VOPA action, the federal right the Attorney General now seeks to vindicate ultimately exists to protect and advance the interests of individual citizens.

The second requirement, that the Attorney General have the authority to sue other state officials to enforce the federal right, requires a slightly more involved analysis. On this issue, the Court must look to Kentucky law…. “To vindicate [its] interest[s] … a State must be able to designate agents to represent it in federal court.” …. Here, after looking to Kentucky law, it is clear that the Attorney General also meets this requirement.

In fact, the Kentucky Supreme Court recently addressed this exact question. In Commonwealth ex rel. Beshear v. Bevin, the Kentucky Attorney General sought to enjoin certain of the Governor’s actions as unconstitutional. 498 S.W.3d 355 (Ky. 2016). After review of the applicable state statutory and constitutional provisions, as well as the common law powers of the Attorney General, the court held unequivocally that the Attorney General had “the power to initiate a suit questioning the constitutionality or legality of an executive action.” The court explained further that the Attorney General as “chief law officer of the Commonwealth … is uniquely suited to challenge the legality and constitutionality of an executive … action as a check on an allegedly unauthorized exercise of power.” Kentucky law could not be clearer on the issue of which state officer has the power to sue on behalf of the state in the present circumstances: it is the Attorney General. From a standing perspective, the rare procedural posture before the Court is appropriate—the Attorney General may proceed with his suit.

The decision doesn’t decide whether the currently effective travel restrictions indeed violate the Constitution—only that the state Attorney General may indeed bring the challenge.

from Latest – Reason.com https://ift.tt/2SWD5b1