Washington Post Investigative Journalist Slams Washington Post Legend Bob Woodward Over Edward Snowden

Meow! ||| mankIn an
interview this week, investigative journalism Hall of Famer and

still-associate editor
at the Washington Post Bob
told Larry King
that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden was
nobody’s hero, and anyway should have come to Woodward
instead of the likes of Glenn Greenwald

“I wish [Snowden] had come to me instead of others, particularly
The Guardian,” Woodward said in an interview on
“Politicking with Larry King”
 that airs Thursday on Hulu.
“I would have said to him ‘let’s not reveal who you are. Let’s make
you a protected source and give me time with this data and let’s
sort it out and present it in a coherent way.'”

If you were thinking to yourself, “Wait, didn’t the
Washington Post’s Barton Gellman publish a lot of
Snowden-sourced scoops?”, or if you merely savor a little in-house
journalistic fratricide, then you might enjoy Gellman’s
to The Huffington Post:

I for one believe Bobby Grich belongs in the Hall of Fame. |||“The ‘others’ he dismissed
include [The Washington Post’s] Greg Miller, Julie Tate, Carol
Leonnig, Ellen Nakashima, Craig Whitlock, Craig Timberg, Steven
Rich and Ashkan Soltani — all of whom are building on the Snowden
archive with me to land scoop after scoop,” Gellman continued. “I
won’t get into why Snowden came to me or didn’t come to Bob. But
the idea of keeping Snowden anonymous, or of waiting for one
‘coherent’ story, suggests that Bob does not understand my source
or the world he lived in.”

A source on deep background indicated that an old man could be
seen near an Arlington strip mall waving his fist and yelling at a

Some past Reason writings on Robert Redford’s stunt
double: “The
Trouble with Bob Woodward
,” and “From
Bob Woodward to Judith Miller

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/21/washington-post-investigative-journalist

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