Do you know a woman wanting to learn about a different way to survive
and thrive in America today?
Hands on experience with…
- Working in a garden (horseshit 101)
- Harvesting seasonal foods
- Preserving the harvest
- Raising beef, chicken, and rabbit
- Butchering chicken and rabbit
- Milking a family cow
- Cheese making
- Preparing healthy meals
- Riding horses – hunt seat (nearly every day)
- Dog training – protection
- Trail running – minimalist
- Yoga – Kundalini
- Prayer, meditation, music, and recovery
- Tactical knife – with certified instructor
- Tactical pistol – with certified instructor
- The basics of collecting and trading gold and silver coins
Mrs. Horseman’s curriculum vitae
- Lifelong Christian
- Debutante (lol-true, but still lol)
- NCAA athlete
- Bachelor’s in biology
- Parent of a merit scholar
and NCAA athlete - 20 + years of marriage
- 20 + years of yoga
- 30 + years of breading, training, and showing horses
- Active in recovery
- Over 18 years old
- Recent completion of a 5k or longer run
- No severe allergies
- A certification of health and fitness
- Clean and sober
- Recent attendance of at least one 12-step meeting*
- Have read each of the following five books before visiting:
- The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan
- The Creature from Jekyll Island, 5th Edition, by G. Edward Griffin
- Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths, P.S.
Edition, by Bruce Feiler - The Five Stages of Collapse, by Dmitry Orlov
- Born to Run, by Christopher McDougall
A small private farm in Texas
10 days and 9 nights – Friday through following Sunday
Airfare is not included.
Ammunition and range fees are included.
Send a written application letter to
A single applicant, or two friends/relatives willing
to share the private room for the duration, will receive equal consideration.
If selected, the woman will be required to execute a
non-disclosure agreement and waivers of liability. We hope to keep all participation anonymous.
*For example, attend an Al-Anon meeting, even if it is your first, and you are good to go.
via Zero Hedge hedgeless_horseman