Report Shows Pot Prohibitionists’ Desperation: New at Reason

The Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA) has released another report on marijuana legalization in Colorado. Since suppressing the use of marijuana and other illegal drugs is RMHIDTA’s mission, its reports on legalization are indictments masquerading as objective assessments. The same organization that last year falsely claimed public support for legalization had declined in Colorado this year portrays a governor who sounds cautiously optimistic about legalization as unambiguously against it.

During a debate while running for re-election in 2014, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper was asked whether voters in his state had been “reckless” when they approved marijuana legalization two years earlier. “To a certain extent you could say it was reckless,” he replied. Last May, after repeatedly saying he would reverse legalization if he had “a magic wand,” Hickenlooper told the Los Angeles Times, “If I had that magic wand now, I don’t know if I would wave it. It’s beginning to look like it might work.”

See if you can guess which Hickenlooper quote appears in the latest RMHIDTA report?

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