Bill Maher: Trump Had “Worse Week” Than Me

Bill Maher had a pretty bad week  – though it’s notable that he somehow managed to keep his job as host of HBO’s “Real Time” after using an offensive racial epithet on air.

But having apologized for using the “n word" during an interview with Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse, maybe Maher was just trying to put the incident behind him when he joked that President Trump had it even worse.

“There is someone who had a worse week than me: Donald Trump," Maher said.

Maher said that former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony, which the media billed as the Superbowl of politics, confirmed what Mahar and many other liberals believe to be the truth about Trump: That he repeatedly tried to pressure Comey to drop the investigation into former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn – an act tantamount to obstruction of justice – then lied about it. But anyone who watched the testimony could see that, if anything, it destroyed both the collusion narrative – the idea that Trump's campaign conspired with the Russians to sway the election – and the notion that Trump wrongly interfered with Comey.

“The president lied to him, demanded his loyalty, wanted to shut down his investigation, and the Republicans still didn’t want to impeach him,” Mahar said. “If only Trump had asked Comey to blow him.”

Maher also joked about Trump's Queens accent and his colloquial speaking style.

“Why does everything Trump say sound like a wiretap of the Gambinos? Trump probably has a mob name for Comey – Jimmy Too Tall,” – a reference to Comey’s height (he’s 6’8”).

Trump didn’t take all of the flack; Maher saved a few jokes for Sen. John McCain, who was roundly mocked in the media when he seemed to conflate the investigations into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified material with the FBI’s probe into alleged Russian interference in the election during a rambling series of questions during Comey's testimony.

“The maverick, the lion of the senate is going to put country before party and stand up to Trump’s bullshit. Then he out comes, and it's Mr. Magoo. At one point, the closed caption for the hearing impaired read: No clue.

Though he's been staunchly opposed to Trump, Maher has occasionally shown some sense: Like when he advised Clinton to "stay in the woods" after she tried to position herself as a leader of the so-called "resistence." Or when he criticized UC Berkeley students for shutting down speeches by conservative activists, calling them "f**king babies."

via Tyler Durden

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