As fall television premieres continue, television critic Glenn Garvin wonders if there’s anything worth anybody’s time. Today and tomorrow three new sitcoms and an X-Men-inspired action show hit the screen. Some then slide to the floor with an embarrassing thud:
Everybody from Jerry Seinfeld to Mel Brooks is saying comedy is dead, strangled in its sleep by political correctness. I’m not entirely convinced, but most of the new comedies of the TV season are on life support and need to have their plugs pulled in every sense of the phrase. …
Faintly charming and landing an occasional punchline, The Mayor is somewhat more amusing than open-mic night at a college pub, but that’s about as extravagant as the praise is going to get. And this is the best of the bunch. It’s a long tumble down an abyss to reach CBS’ 9JKL, in which a divorced and jobless Mark Feuerstein moves home to live in an apartment sandwiched between his parents on one side and his brother’s family on the other. On the show, family hijinx ensue; out in the audience, it’s more like self-lobotomies with machetes.
from Hit & Run